
Falling dollars

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Might not be the forum to ask but,

Given an average month (assuming you have an 'a' license , rent your rig, and an average # of skydives),
what is the cost of falling out of the sky?

i am also wondering if i just just buy a rig up front or wait.


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Ok, very, very broad question, but I'll take a crack at it. A jump with gear rental would probably be between $35 and $40. Let's highball that and go with $40. Then say you make 5 jumps per weekend (a little on the low side, but whatever. I haven't been able to make 5 in a weekend yet, weather, etc.). Then take 4 weekends per month= $800. I wouldn't buy gear up front (meaning before you start student status), but as soon as you can is the best idea. I have been recommended to wait until I can downsize canopies before purchasing my own rig, on account of my short stature. But I'm sure people will have different opinions, as is the purpose of these forums. :P


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