
How should I store my rig?

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I posted this in the gear and rigging section but figured I would get more responses here so.
How should I store my rig for a unknown length of time. I'm going to quit jumping for a while and need to know the best way to store it for the long haul.I don't know how long I'll be out or if I'll ever jump again so I might end up selling everything after a while

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I would remove my canopies from teh container and make sure they are in waterproof bags of some sort, stored in a cool dry place. I'd put the rig in a waterproof container of some sort as well again out of intense sunlight, etc.

I notice yo have a cypres... If it's new I wouldn't worry about it. It it's an older one that may only have a year or two left on it, I may consider selling it cheap or giving it to a student, somethign like that- IF yo are planning on taking an extended time out. Might as well let someone use it before it becomes out of date.

just my 2 cents.


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It just does'nt feel right anymore.But alot of different reasons really. And no none of them have anything to do with a female.Hell I have'nt been on a date in over 6 months.MAybe one day I might be ready to jump again.But the way it feels right now who knows?

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I kept my gear stored in a closet in my house, packed, with the pilot chute in its pouch, for almost 10 years. To jump again, I repacked the main and reserve, and inspected everything carefully.

It worked fine. I was glad I kept it, because it made starting again much easier.

Not the best way to handle it, but gear is pretty sturdy stuff. NOTE: I would NOT do this with a Cypres, simply because batteries can bleed when you least want them to. The whole reason for regular maintenance.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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