
Weekend Numbers 18-19 OCT Soaring with Eagles

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3 Incredible 14k jumps in the GORGEOUS Pacific Northwest. New snopw on the mountains of the Norh Cascades is pretty.
The winds here were screaming at altitude but WOW what a gorgeous day. After the storms and rain of the last few days today dawned sunny and slightly overcast but the clouds were at 17k. 3 great dives one after breaking off in a MAX track and going NOHWERE in the howling headwinds.. I usually get a smking track but this spot was way too not long enough... and I was trying to make up the distance back to the DZ... one blown 4 way when I had an issue with my 1970's WING WAR jumpsuit and one wings swoop cord being persnickity... and a really good RW with a guy from work doing a tandem for his very first jump.

Once I opened on one of the jumps I looked down and I could see a mature Bald Eagle soaring under me above the Snohomish River.

Somedays its just AWSUME to be alive.

It looks like this is it for the weekend for me... the Hawaiian Express is AIMED right at Seattle so a new storm is on its way in the next couple hours.


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;). 5. 1

The Northwest is great. Yesterday the temps were a very unseasonable 75 degrees. The uppers were indeed cooking; we were getting 40 knots groundspeed on jumprun. The spot all day was go long, and then some. Today it is raining.

One of my best days ever jumping. Got the following:
1 point 3-way :S
10 point 4-way
5 point 6-way
8 point 4-way
and a 12 point 3-way with all different points, not just cycling through.

The beer is for just about any of the above, but I'll buy it for most points turned in a day.

Our turbine 207 did 14 loads without a shutdown; I was on the first and the last. It was the last day it was here for the season before heading away for the winter. And maybe forever. The DZO's birthday coincided with this last day of great jumping for the season, and they announced they're looking for a Caravan for next year. Until then, it's the 182. But what dreams we'll have this winter!

. . . . .
"Make it hard again." Doc Ed

“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free” Nikos Kazantzakis

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Nice wingsuit flight on Saturday. Much alcohol consumed Saturday night. Crappy weather Sunday... then most of the people at the dz hopped in the Caravan and flew over to Lake Wales for the afternoon (I wanted to go but the dz's still open so the store has to be open so I had to stay here... >:().

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1 suprise favorite dinner for my wonderful boyfriend on friday evening, no jumps as my nice little burn is healing up and opening shock is a no no right now.

found a new wine that's pretty good, only about 8$ at the grocery store. Baywood Cellars Symphony (2000). Goes down waaaaaaay too easy.

ALso learned taht the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (movie) was a little more gruesome than I had expected.:o


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:( : 2 :0

2 wingsuit jumps... really starting to get it down where i am feeling way more in control...... hopefully next weekend i'll get in a few more... matbe even a couple 2 ways...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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What a great weekend. I got to pick up KatieBear at the ATL airport and hang out with her for several hours before she had to be at Benning. It was wonderful seeing her again. We laughed and cried, drank and ate and generally had a great time. Love ya, baby girl.

Managed to get 8 jumps in yesterday to put me at 499. I wanted 500 so bad last night but we could only get 6 slots on the plane so we put if off and drank instead. First load this morning me and a full king air of my friends did a fun jump together. It was so cool to be doing stuff with some of my AFF instructors and all. What a great group of people we have there.

The rest of the day was spent giving back jumping with low timers who were struggling. It made me feel really good to jump with some of them because I figured they had to do something right so I made a point of pointing their strengths out to them rather than what they did wrong. One guy was so sweet it almost made me cry.

A GREAT WEEKEND was begun and completed by IM's from a dear friend. Life is good.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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1(stupid movie i went to see):6:0

House of the Dead is a stupid movie. Me and Wrongway had a good time laughing at how stupid it was though so it wasn't a total waste of time.

6 jumps total counting the 3 I did on wednesday.

Having wrongway come to skydive chicago to visit with me was awesome!! He better come back soon.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I so want to meet you 2:D

34 ways on Saturday and 2 3ways ion Sunday the 3 ways were wqith a girl you is trying to finish her B Rels, just getting her some Rel time before she does her final B dives:D lots of :)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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0- oh well:6 Great jumps on my birthday Saturday
with my buds, a ball jump, a tube that f'in rocked and a dedicated gorilla jump. Not to mention a unique 44 way (with 8 people) to celebrate with a picture to send in to the magazines. Just awesome
BABY!!: and 0.
tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)

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1 best weekend ever at bridge day 2003! man it was a blast!!!!!!! i was there thursday night until a few hours ago when i got home. i met some of the coolest people in the world and definately had the time of my life. i am so jumping next year:) only met 1 dz.commer but i saw a few more!

no jumps this weekend, but i'm due for some this coming weekend at green county!

1 brand new infinity in my hands begging me to jump her. oh baby, this weekend can't come soon enough!

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1 new house:2: 1 if you're picky

I'm totally moved into my house, so I got to play today. As usual though, as soon as I pulled up to the dz we went on a weather hold. I think they're going to kick me out soon! :S I did a couple jumps but the best part was getting my new Pantz delivered by Asaf. I love my Pantz, and my ass got good reviews in them too! :ph34r: I even got a, "oooooh, nice caboose!" :P

I also had fun hanging out with a team from Skydive Dallas and also the Raeford Dragons 8 way team who are here for Nationals. As usual, the monkeys kept me entertained! But, Jim Bean wanted to know why I got a monkey hat already while he's known and partied with Chuck for years and hasn't gotten one yet. It was decided that it's because I have boobies. :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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1 sweet reverse birdman rodeo I watched from a distance: 7: 0

5 tandems, 1 Birdman and 1 Freefly. You can tell its fall in the midwest, the leaves are falling as fast as jumpers are and its near freezing at exit [:/]

Saw a new method of doing a Birdman rodeo that resulted in near belly cam like footage. It was GREAT!
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Our little 182 only had 4 hours on it left until the 100 hr & transponder Inspection, so we just flew loads to 5k all day on Saturday. I got 3 jumps in, nothing serious, just messing around on the step and doing hop n pops. Still great jumps though!!!
=========Shaun ==========

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No humps
no jumps
no cases-o-beer

But a spectacular day today. Got up before 7:00 to find my son awake downstairs, and we really talked and laughed at the infomercials for over an hour (are Bubba Burgers real?:P).

Had kolaches with family (my brother is visiting too -- father, brother, son, me). Then church, which was good. Then lunch with everyone, watching the airshow from the restaurant.

A nice ride on the motorcycle in absolutely perfect weather.

3 hours in a local bar on a boat channel, sitting in a porch swing, swilling beer, talking, and watching the boats go by.

Frankly, there probably aren't any days jumping I'd trade for this one. I think I"m going to spend all day next Saturday on the bike if it's as nice as it was today.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Three jumps on saturday. Was a typical weekend at the DZ :)
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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back in the saddle and am i ever sore. errrffgfg.

did my first demo saturday. jason, omar, the punisher, john and i rode the dc-3 (light load, lol) over to kirby chambliss' aerobatic fly-in and jumped in. every1 really got a kick out of it. cool planes, cool flying, food and beer.
namaste, motherfucker.

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Three jumps on saturday. Was a typical weekend at the DZ :)

Bastard. The King Air broke yesterday leaving us with just the 182 today. We got 14 loads up, but it was so busy (due in part to the great weather) that I only managed to get on two of them.


Edit: Fixed a mistake that made me look stupid.

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2: 1- Lost my freakin altimeter (too tired when I left the DZ and left it in the packing area), and 2 - got to jump my new jumpsuit. Love the colors (will post pictures later). It's white and blue with neon green tape. I put it on and my 7 yr old son says, "Dad - you look just like Buzz Lightyear!" Is it time to change my username?

7: Jumped my ass of saturday. Lots of fun - FINALLY made the sunset load (awesome view over Monterey bay... just breathtaking)

1: First jump in the new Jumpsuit - I'll be bringin the beer next weekend.

- Jeff

"That's not flying... it's falling with style."

"That's not flying, it's falling with style."

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