
Congratulations Rosa!

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We cheated just a little on that - Mick and I never released you so we could assist a little on fall rate.

LOL! Yes...I could tell....;)


But I was suprised - you had a decent fallrate; we didn't have to do too much.

Thank you. I was trying to stay with you all...:$ As we talked about, falling faster with minimal movement can be done. The moment I put my arms or legs out to REALLY move, it's all over! LOL!

Thank you, again, Bill. I really admire you so much. (Amy and you are a perfect match!) I hope to jump with you and the Perris gang, again. :)

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Dom, you are such a cutie! Thank you so much for making things so special for me. You're a great friend. :)
Also, special thanks to manifest and the people that scratched from the huge sunset tracking dive to make room for me and my Mr. Bill 100th + JP videoing.

One more fun piece of info from Sat was that my first jump that afternoon (jump 97) was a hop'n'pop with a looooooong snivel. Everyone from the plane that saw it, came up to me later to tell me that from their perspective, it looked really hairy. I was fine with it, although my ditter kept going off. LOL! I was in full freefall after "popping" for a little while. Then, I finally saw my main slowly begin to unfold...ever so slowly...:ph34r: What a blast! I am not usual hop'n'pop chick, but this one put such a huge grin on my face.

Thank you so much to all the people that have written in to congratulate me. That is so sweet of you all. I love you, guys! :)

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WOO HOO ROSA!!! Congrats on your 100th... Now just keep a close eye on Skye cause she always has whipped cream on hand
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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Now just keep a close eye on Skye cause she always has whipped cream on hand

Geez, Gary...are we going to have to start hearing about your sex life too all the time? :S;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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