
Don't you hate it when you forget something important?

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Don't you hate it when you forget to do something important? Like, important. Similar to, well, pulling.

The last few weeks, I've had this nagging sensation that I have forgotten to do something really important. Like, really important. Pay the rent? Nah, did that. Go to the Dr? Nah, living there now it seems like. What? Oh well, I'll remember...

Voicemail from my OM: Hey, Michele, your license expires tomorrow. Didja get it renewed?

Oh, well. See now. That really isn't a good thing. Nope, not a good thing atall. Huh.

And of course my broker is out for the week. My assistent broker and I don't get along very well but he's the only resource I have. I've already taken the classes, just not the final exams I need to take. 50 questions each, 4 different exams. And my assistant broker is the only one who can proctor it.

Contact the school, explain I've screwed up and need help. They fax me the tests, and an answer sheet. I sit down for a marathon test...200 questions in about 90 minutes, because my assistant broker has to leave, and the school must have the tests back by 3 so they can grade them and fax me the certificate by 5. Oh, joy fun happy times. :S

Scribble, dash, line through, read carefully, read out loud. Who writes these things? This is a dumb test. I'll never encounter this situation. Who really cares about that? And I guess and bluff my way through the different ones...and finish. Generally I know how I do on these things, but not this time. I took the classes last year, for crying out loud...I'm too old for this happy horsehooey. Gawd, I need a drink...

And get the assistant broker to sign off that he watched me take the tests...(uh, yeah.)...and fax it off. And then chew my nails wondering if I'd passed the stupid things.

And then phone rings...and I have passed; in the words of the grader, "done very well..." but they won't give me the score because it's against state law. They'd only give me the score if I had failed...oh well, in this case, it's pretty funny...I've done very well on something I remember sleeping through last year...on a moment's notice.

I will send everything in tomorrow, because I can't do it on-line...but phew.

Don'tcha hate that kind of thing?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Not a surprise at all that you forgot about renewing your license. You have had a lot going on.
Give yourself a big pat on the back, you passed that test, doesn't matter the score, under a great deal of stress.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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