
King Diamond and Mercyful Fate.

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I saw King Diamond reunited with Merciful Fate at the Milliwaukee Metal Fest about 6 err 7 years back. It was pretty fuckin' cool. The King was walkin' around in the crowd before the performance, he was a pretty cool little fella too...;)

xxx, Hixxx
death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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Actually King Diamond is Danish ;)

KD/MF has some good songs, but I don't find any death metal in it. I've also never liked KD's voice so haven't bought any albums.

I guess original Norwegian death metal would be early Mayhem, even it's now concidered as black metal. At least Euronymous described them as a death metal band in the 80's interviews.

What comes to origins of death metal:

Possessed released Seven Churches in 1985.
Death (started as Mantas) is usually concidered as the 1st death metal band in history, but their debut Scream Bloody Gore was released as late as 1987 (of course they had demos out years earlier, same time with Possessed).

The fact usually forgotten is that Sepultura released Bestial Devastation in 1985, and they are also one of the earliest death metal bands.

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The fact usually forgotten is that Sepultura released Bestial Devastation in 1985, and they are also one of the earliest death metal bands

Kreator releases Endless Pain in 85 too... Pleasure to Kill in 86 and Terrible Certainty in 87....

All foundational Death Metal (atlthough it can be argued that they were more in the early speed sub-genre too....

nobody ever remembers all the wonderful music MTV never heard of....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Kreator is one my all time favourites!

But I put Kreator, Sodom, Destruction, Dark Angel, Slayer etc. into thrash metal scene.

Actually MTV (atleast in Europe) used to play some good music. I've found lots of great bands from Headbanger's Ball.

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