
Help! I was drunk and...

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"Question for you tho. When is it being dishonest? When they lie and deny it? Is it also being dishonest if someone does not mention it? "
Every relationship has rules. Private rules. Nobody elses business. Define them. If you go beyond the rules, talk about it, there's a reason. If you can't live with it, end it. "Lie and deny it." No excuse for that.
People want everything at once. A caring relationship/a wild life. Relationships are compromise. (giving up something for something of value) If you only like the rules when they are to your advantage, then you are cheating. It will never work. "My b/f is a great guy, but I want to kiss the hunk/cutie over there."
Sometimes, if you talk out the reason, you can explain what needs are not being fulfilled and you get closer and happier. Most of the time, however, the other person's ego gets slapped around. "You are not as funny/cute/rich/hunky/whatever as this person." Nobody has everything. Make a choice, live with it.

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Sounds like you have that down pat

The time to practice is BEFORE you need it. If you have to come up with it on the spot you might choke. Besides....I was married once.....of course I have it down pat!!! :D

yeah, my ex had it down pat too! >:([:/]:)

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I think the most important thing my boy-toy ever told me in the beginning of our relationship is:

Our business is our business and no-one elses. We rely on each other and not anyone else.

We have always stayed true to that. Sure, I've vented here and there to Skymama, but Skymama is a close friend of mine and I'm always careful to leave out the personal details that he would not want anyone to know. Everyone needs to vent once in a while, but I think, for the most part, you shoudl just deal with your issues with the person you have them with and nobody else.

Gossipers suck!

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Every relationship has rules. Private rules. Nobody elses business. Define them. If you go beyond the rules, talk about it, there's a reason.


Totally agree. Every person knows when they overstep the bounds set out by a given relationship. I have a saying about moral dilemas...

If you have a moral dilema, you know what the correct answer is...the reason that the dilema is created is that what you know to be right is not necessarily the easiest answer.

I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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I have a question for all the guys that say..don't tell. How would you feel if it was your girlfriend asking this question and people told her not to tell but you found out later??

These are skydivers.. LOL I don't think they can understand your question. hahahahhaa

Would that advice still stand??

Just curious:P.

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Carrie told me to say, "hell yea!", so, Hell yea, Carrie is a hottie! You just have to hope you don't become a good friend of hers because she'll rag on your ass all the time! :P;)

Actually, Carrie is a beautiful girl both inside and out, but you'll never get close to her because her heart belongs to that swoop-god Billy Zambie.

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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She says that her heart belongs to him, but if you play your cards right, she might cheat on him...I mean, we've seen in this thread that she doesn't really have any strong feelings against it...


I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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He's got a point there Muenkel!!! REad her posts, she never mentioned ANYTHING about the rules applying to her, just her Boy Toy...

LMAO.... Lummy quickly runs and hides
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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wekll it seems to me that you are genuenly concerened for the both of you and feel really bad for hurting him, my advice would be to tell him as soon as you can so he is able to see that.

The longer you wait the longer you'll have to add in some filler and distort the story so it doesn'r sound so bad, Stretchig the truth. To me in a case like this its lying.

Do the right thing and stay happy or at least clear your concious and if he turns you away then at least you know that he turned down someone with morals and high values.

That sorta thing mean a lot to some people.

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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I got drunk and got a kiss pass in freefall.. Oh wait, no I didn't.

I had a couple of weekends with the guys and had to confess to being hit on in a bar, and even to going into a brothel to watch out for a brother who was doing the nasty with a pro (Nevada-legal). Most of these conversations with my spouse start with "Hey, this bizarre woman thought I was cute, so you must think I'm cute, so mount me now!"

I never feel guilty about these things, but I'm way open to the flattery. Affectionate kisses, hugs, etc. from friends that are a little more than platonic are all right, when you feel guilty about it, you have crossed the line.

Our rule is to get divorced before you cross that line.

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:(He just called and said that it was definitely over, that I should have thought about the consequences first. I said it was a mistake but he doesn't want to hear it. He said he was waiting on me while I was out kissing someone else. The kiss was hardly worth this! So much for honesty! Should have stuck with the "what he doesn't kno...."
Thanks for the input,
It's not flying--it's falling with STYLE...

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"...but only b/c it's SUCH A FINE ASS! "
This sounds all fine and good. Everyone deems themselves qualifed to render these opinions, but are they? Hardly. This is a job for highly trained professionals. The only way to get an objective answer in these situations is to send me a pic and I will review it. I will be clear, fair, and appreciative. :ph34r:

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