
Or for that matter, Absinthe? Anyone in the U.S.?

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Hun, always wanted to try the real stuff, with wormwood.

How much does a bottle of the legal stuff run for these days?

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I love the stuff. Favourite drink ever. Nice and strong at 70% proof (+ added special chemicals:S). I can't afford it in the UK though - its about £40 for a 50cl bottle. I get mine from Spain (last time 8EUR per bottle) so any time anyone goes to Empuria they are supposed to get me a bottle.

There’s a great bar in Bristol called Ether that sells about 7 or 8 different brands of it... love the stuff and go there with friends to sample each in turn.


one shot of Absinthe,
one shot of water,
a tea-spoon full of white sugar,
a tumbler,
some fire.

Dip the tea-spoon of sugar into the absinthe so its soaked in it. Poor the absinthe into the tumbler. Now light the alcohol soaked sugar and allow to caramelise.

Quickly drop the flaming spoon into the absinthe at the same time as the shot of water. Stir vigorously. The once vivid green absinthe will go a milky-green colour.


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That "milky" colour is the louche... What a beautiful sight...

Spain, that is Deva. 50% or 70% depending on what you ask for.

Gentlemen. Suisse La Blue is the best. Trust a person you don't know. :-) It is made in Switzerland, as if the name didn't give it away. This stuff will knock you off of your ass. NOT the alcohol, but the thujone content. If you can get it, more power to you. If you can't, let me know. I will broker a deal for you and I won't touch your money. Send it Postal Money Order if you like (if in the U.S.) to a special someone. Trust me guys, this shit will make your day. 500 times better than Hills or Sebor, 400 times better than Deva, and 300 times better than Franqois Guy. No shit. Just let me know...

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