
Pittz jumpsuit.

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Hey everybody,

Searched but nothing recent came up. Curious to know if anybody has one, knows somebody or is somehow familiar with the suits. Looking into quality and sizing as it is an off the shelf suit. Alternative recommendations?



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Depends on what you're using it for, your build etc. I had one for a hundred or so free fly jumps, was "OK" but I need a much tighter fitting suit for better body awareness. I gave the PITTZ to a friend who wore his first one into the ground, loved it and happily jumps the replacement. He fills out the suit much better than I do ;)
For a start it was great but for tunnel I didn't even bother. If it's a cheap option to get you started that you require then go for it. The more I stay in the sport the more I realize that quite often the custom, more dollar option is better in the long run.
Hope that helps.

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