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Ok anyone suggest any really cool ideas for a birthday present for a guy into extreme sports - he got all the skydiving stuff he needs - but is into climbing and snowboarding and i know nothing about these things!

Doesn't have to be connected to either though. Just need some good ideas!

Jump Tickets / Lift Tickets / or a gift cert. from the climbing store or he can pick out what he wants. My wife did that for me at the scuba shop.
Bottomless Beers and Blue Skies!

* Brother_Brian *
D.S.W.F.S.B. #2

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a big red ribbon.take everything off and put on the ribbon and wala.You are the present!!!.uh ya might want to do this in private.or not i dont know.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough

We've been telling them this for years. Some get it, some don't....


Red Ribbon, here, have a beer honey.

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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Some yellow sun glasses for those early morning hop and pops. He can use them for other stuff as well.
A small cheap Mp3 player does sound good too. I think you can get one for about $50

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

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a big red ribbon.take everything off and put on the ribbon and wala.You are the present!!!.uh ya might want to do this in private.or not i dont know.

Hmm sounds like a good idea, do guys really like that stuff though or are there any that think its tacky? Maybe should combine it with the climbing mag sub too or something.

BENDYWENDY - is that really true do AFF guys all do their students do you think i am crazy just like all the others????? :o

MP3 player is looking good also do you guys realy thinnk my guy would like that? WITH the red ribbon thing. Probably wont give him that gift at the dz though!

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is that really true do AFF guys all do their students do you think i am crazy just like all the others????? :o

Not true.

I have 1200 AFF dives and I've never done one of my students. Not even one of the female ones.:P

It's the year of the Pig.

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Here is an idea Honey Bunny - why don't you post a pic of yourself wearing the red ribbon right here on dz.com. Then we'll decide for you whether or not it is a tacky present. :)
If you aren't sure how to post the pics (with and without ribbon) feel free to email them to me and I will take care of everything. :)

BTW are you originally from Canada?

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BTW are you originally from Canada?

Yes i am how did you know?????

To my favourite Canadian chick - buy him a book on Peter Pan reckon he'd just love it.
You could even dress up as twinklebell or whatever as an extra special surprise

dude you crack me up
we should go climbing with some eminent skygods sometime soon ....


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