
AFF instrcutor sex!

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OK someone said this to me that its quite commen for instrcutors to sleep with their students in skydiving. What do you guys say. Is that true should I be WARY of these guys I keep meeting on the dz everyone seems so friendly maybe its an alteriror motive?But im new so maybe Im being DUMB!!!!

I dont want to be all Im so great and whatevere but do skydiving guys really take advantage or are they the same as any guys, I mean most of them are obssesed with nailing a girl anyway right?A lot of guys have hit on me at the dz well actually most of them!!! Skydvers or not i dont think its much difference!

Thanks bye

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Honeyskies..skydiving guys are just like other guys..
use the same caution that you would with anyone else you would meet in your life...your instructor could be
genuinely interested in you...or just physically attracted.
The edge he holds right now is his knowledge and experience in a sport you wish to learn....this gives him your attention.

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The edge he holds right now is his knowledge and experience in a sport you wish to learn....this gives him your attention.

yes maybe but he seems like a nice guy to or do you think its because he has saved my life!!! (kind of) when we jump??? i know he used to date another girl at the dz actually before he met me (and he left his wife for her) but he said its different with me and truthfuly I think he does seem to be geuninely kind, he often spend time showing me stuff about safety and body position and things, he seems to be a proffesional!!!

Oh no now I am all worried that maybe Ive been stupid, I guess not much point asking on here (but thanks though) cuz you dont really know me or him but I just thougt maybe you guys would have some experience I mean, maybe its like that thing where gilrs fall for their doctor or shrink or whatever?

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he used to date another girl at the dz actually before he met me (and he left his wife for her) but he said its different with me

ya i bet he said that to the other girl too. :S
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well, it's a strange question... men are men... and despite what some might say, all different (even if some easily have same characteristics).
in my experience, many skydiving girls look for instructors/highly experienced guys, and don't even talk to guys with less than 2000 jumps :P
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ya i bet he said that to the other girl too

Thanks a lot!

Yes all men are different you know - i am not attracted to him because he has 3000 jumps, maybe he is very kind with a nice butt????

Anyway never mind what skydiving girls look for what do men look for or arent they fussy, anything as long as its female and has less jumps so is impressed by him and his awesome skydiving, is that it, is it only just ego????

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You should definitely be wary but you're right... skydivers are like regular guys - they just want to nail ya anyway!:D (Just kidding guys). Hang out for a while, get to know the regulars, and you'll have a much easier time at telling the difference.

As a fellow chica, I'd just say "watch yourself." Read this thread Rape at the DZ and question something that just doesn't feel right.:)

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well, it's a strange question... men are men... and despite what some might say, all different (even if some easily have same characteristics).
in my experience, many skydiving girls look for instructors/highly experienced guys, and don't even talk to guys with less than 2000 jumps :P

Does this mean I shouldn't talk to ya?? :P

"Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's
addressed to someone else!" Ivern Ball

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Hi Honeyskies! :)
You know, male skydiving friends are the same as any other male friends. Personally, I have mostly male friends, and I truly love them each with all my heart. :)
You obviously love skydiving, right? If you are there to skydive primarily, then other people at the DZ will eventually notice and take you seriously.
Like Arthur and Katie said, be careful. If you and your instructor break up, you still want to be able to return to the DZ with your head held high.

Personally, I think that it is a very bad idea for both the student and the instructor to openly date. DZs are like high school...gossip runs rampant!
Also, make sure that you are able to make your own decisions about things like what gear to choose, what discipline to pursue, who to jump with, etc., etc. You want to keep your individuality as a skydiver and not just be known as so-and-so's girlfriend/student.

Good luck, Honeyskies, and I hope that your relationship works out. If it doesn't work out (for whatever reason), you will still have your love of skydiving.
Take care, sister! :)ROSA

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Hi Honeyskies,

IMHO instructors dating students is unprofessional to say the least, and I only know of one occasion where it's resulted in a long-term relationship (and not an overly equal one).

You have entered a "dangerous" "extreme" sport, situations in which you are understandably nervous, unsure and inexperienced. Your instructor is your mentor in your early days in skydiving and as such is in a position of great trust over you. He aso has power over you.

A male in a position ot trust and power, in effect the "Knight in shining armour" relative to your position automatically gains a degree of sexual magnetism out of proportion to his actual attractiveness.

The question you SHOULD ask yourself is "If he were the guy I see at the bus stop every day would I date him?" Try to strip away the fact that he's a relative "Sky God" to you and see what's left.

Good skydivers are not neccessarily good people, and as I said, instructors dating students is unprofessional - your instructors are supposed to be there to teach you and other students to skydive, not to get dates.

Good luck,


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IMHO instructors dating students is unprofessional to say the least, and I only know of one occasion where it's resulted in a long-term relationship (and not an overly equal one).

You have entered a "dangerous" "extreme" sport, situations in which you are understandably nervous, unsure and inexperienced. Your instructor is your mentor in your early days in skydiving and as such is in a position of great trust over you. He aso has power over you.

Ok maybe you are right, do you think it wouldnt be as bad if say i had 1000 jumps and he was coaching me in bigways or something, I mean if the man has more experience than the woman is it as bad, or is it especially bad if he is actually your instructor when you are learning and scared (i am quite scared when i jump now actually!!!!)


gains a degree of sexual magnetism out of proportion to his actual attractiveness.

Yes I wonder, well actually he does have a great butt, I aint kidding!!!!

If he was a garbage man, I dont know, I guess i wouldn't respect him as much, at least if you are an instructor it shows something about your character,that you are determined and proffesional? Or maybe not if he sleeps with his students!

No offence to garbage men im sure they are all very proffesional to you know what i mean!! Myabe more so, maybe instructors do it so they can sleep with more girls!!!???? :(

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As a fellow chica, I'd just say "watch yourself." Read this thread Rape at the DZ and question something that just doesn't feel right

Thanks Katie but I am already sleeping with him so I think ill be ok on this side of things!!!

Alrighty then... kind of a moot point then huh?:D:P

So, if you're already sleeping with the instructor, what was the point of your post? You've obiously made up your mind that he's genuine about his feelings. Don't ask this crew to debate the ethics behind the student/instructor topic because you probably won't like it.

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So, if you're already sleeping with the instructor, what was the point of your post?

Well i was just wondeirng if i was a bit crazy??? Maybe it would be better to only date guys with the same experience level, meaning only instrcutors can sleep with each other lol

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I don't know - I met my wife 13 years ago when I taught her the 1st jump course... She doesn't jump now but she did go on to do about 150 jumps...

Of course now she wishes I didn[t jump anymore either, but, then, nobodies perfect...
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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Well i was just wondeirng if i was a bit crazy??? Maybe it would be better to only date guys with the same experience level, meaning only instrcutors can sleep with each other lol

You're absolutely not crazy. As long as you're not dating him because of his jump numbers (which you already stated you weren't) you're fine.

You should attempt to get your coaching and learn from others on the dz as well as your boyfriend. If you want to be truly individual in this sport, you want to be able to know that you did some of it without his help. Once you're off AFF, get coaching from others. Don't depend on your man for all your training and you'll probably feel better knowing you got better on your own!:)

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OK someone said this to me that its quite common for instructors to sleep with their students in skydiving.

Call me 'old fashioned' but i just paid for their slots and the video
& i didn't read anything in the manual that implied anything to the contrary. B|

Maybe i wouldn't have failed them levels if i had. :P

-- Hope you don't die. --

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IMHO instructors dating students is unprofessional to say the least

If I owned a dz and found out that one of my instructors was sleeping with one of his students... he'd be finding a new dz to work at. Dating someone you're teaching to skydive is extremely unprofessional, imho.

An instructional rating is not a "pussy pass." I have no respect for any instructor (male or female) who sleeps with someone they are teaching to skydive. Once the new jumper is off student status, well, then it's game on. But until that point ethics demand that the person teaching the student isn't getting into that students pants.

If I were in Honeyskies shoes I'd insist on working with a different instructor as long as she's sleeping with the other one.

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Hi Honeyskies,

if say iI had 1000 jumps and he was coaching me on big ways"

That is different. In that case you are experienced and the attraction wouldn't be one of "Neophyte" to "Skygod".

I do find it especially bad for an instructor to date a student. He's being paid to give you AND OTHERS professional and competent instruction and to treat ALL his students equally. Then again, I understand that he's already had an affair with another student in the past. Frankly, the more I learn of this guy the less I like him and I agree with Lisa. If I was running the school you're at I'd be short an instructor and happy to be.

I'm sorry to sound so harsh, but I really fel that this guy has abused his position.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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So, if you're already sleeping with the instructor, what was the point of your post?

Thank you Katie. :)

An instructional rating is not a "pussy pass."

I would truly like to quote the whole post there Lisa, because I am with you 100%

As an instructor myself I have had many opportunities to sleep with a student which I respectfully declined. I explained to them that is was not professional in any type of intstructor/student environment. Honestly I would not date them even after they were off student status. Just my own personal way.

Just do us a favor and not cry on here when this individual dumps you for the next student hottie that comes along. I can almost guarantee it will happen. I have seen and heard of it numerous times.

It is too bad that instructors take advantage of the awe factor which students have on them. It is a weak way to get into a relationship.



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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You should attempt to get your coaching and learn from others on the dz as well as your boyfriend. If you want to be truly individual in this sport, you want to be able to know that you did some of it without his help. Once you're off AFF, get coaching from others. Don't depend on your man for all your training and you'll probably feel better knowing you got better on your own

Yes but i dont mind him helping me, I think it brings us closer you know, or maybe I should put him on a sex ban until I have 1000 jumps?!!! I think i would prefer to jump with him and have him teaching me anyway whatever - he is really safe and has loads of experience in everything, he has my best interestes at heart Im sure, in fact he tries to keep me away from some of the other more zany dz crowd, some of them seem pretty loose, drugs and everything, its nice to have a guy who knows what hes doing and looking out for me (he is quite a bit older than me) when I feel quite new and some of the stuff about skydiving totally freaks me out!! The whole scene and all.

I dont know maybe I should be more scepticle, he did come on pretty strong when we got together but I thought it was just cuz he was way into me you know? Like on my Level 5 actually,we were in the plane, he goes, 'the hardest thing about doing AFF with you is looking into your beautiful eyes in freefall'. I thought it was WAY CUTE!!!!

Wow i wonder if its his standard line????? I didnt realise people thought it was so bad for an instructor to do it with his students but i guess maybe it is a bit like a doctor and patient????

Oh man I dont know now what can I do to be sure I am not being taken for a fool???? I dont really know anyone much at the DZ, just him.

sorry for venting guys, you guys are cool :)

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