
AFF instrcutor sex!

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Just do us a favor and not cry on here when this individual dumps you for the next student hottie that comes along

wow thanks for the sympathy, wish you were my instrcutor! not

I guess you are right, should not have bothered you with my questions i am obviously an idiot dont worry i will deal with my shit on my own.

Oh yes and i havent put my dz down i did not realize people could check up but now Im glad i didnt!!!!

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Damn - it's things like this that just burn my toast. I've seen this happen many times not just in skydiving but in academia as well. If this guy was really into you then he would wait until you were off student status and he had no "power" over you. Every time I've seen this happen, invariably the person in power has the personality of a four week old sock full of goat shit and couldn't get a date unless they whip out the credit card.

But hey - if you are sleeping with him because "he has a nice butt" then go big.
sounds like a good match.

Scars remind us that the past is real

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wow thanks for the sympathy, wish you were my instrcutor! not

Actually it would be better if I were your instructor b/c I would be concerned about teaching you instead of laying. I would also be more objective and make sure your mistakes were noted so that you could learn from them.


Oh yes and i havent put my dz down i did not realize people could check up but now Im glad i didnt!!!!

Obviously you are in hiding. Not a problem just do not ask life issues on the forum unless you want the whole world to know your business.



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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invariably the person in power has the personality of a four week old sock full of goat shit and couldn't get a date unless they whip out the credit card.

But hey - if you are sleeping with him because "he has a nice butt" then go big.
sounds like a good match.

He is v sweet and romantic and is very good with his children, its not just about looks you know.

i dont think he is as bad as what you think he could have waited yes but we just were crazy for each other, is that WRONG??? And it would of been the same outcome anyway if we are gonna be in love then we would no matter how we got together?

He doesnt have a goat sock shit personality anyway and certainly no great credit card spender, he spends most his $$$ on maintenance payments anyway is very kind, compared to what he tells me about some of the other poeple in the sport!! I think its good of him to protect me from some of the freaks at the dz anyway!

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He is v sweet and romantic and is very good with his children, its not just about looks you know.

i dont think he is as bad as what you think he could have waited yes but we just were crazy for each other, is that WRONG??? And it would of been the same outcome anyway if we are gonna be in love then we would no matter how we got together?

He doesnt have a goat sock shit personality anyway and certainly no great credit card spender, he spends most his $$$ on maintenance payments anyway is very kind, compared to what he tells me about some of the other poeple in the sport!! I think its good of him to protect me from some of the freaks at the dz anyway!

Well, you gotta be over 18 to skydive. And that means you don't swim in the kiddie pool anymore. But if you don't want to hear what we got to say then I wouldn't be posting your initial question here because as been stated before, you won't like the responses. We've seen it before.

Blue Skies,
Scars remind us that the past is real

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compared to what he tells me about some of the other poeple in the sport!! I think its good of him to protect me from some of the freaks at the dz anyway!

Can we say GULLIBLE?



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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Actually it would be better if I were your instructor b/c I would be concerned about teaching you instead of laying. I would also be more objective and make sure your mistakes were noted so that you could learn from them.

You dont know that you might want to get it on with me to you know! He is a great instrcutor to, he always tells me what i have done wrong and helps me get better each level.

Sounds to me your jealous, maybe you dont get much business doing AFF at your dz???? And try to take the moral highground? You dont actually know this guy though so you are just guessing really, thanks for the advise though I will consider it all!!!!

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The thing is - this is typical. Your situation is not unique. You can post all the things he's said to you, how great he is, how real he is compared to with other women, etc. It's just not new.

It happens everyday on most dzs.

Look at the fact that "all" the guys have hit on you - do you think it's because skydiving guys have incredible ability to see into a girl's heart and mind and see how wonderful she is? Do you believe you're the hottest chick to walk the planet and no one can resist you?

Just try to remember that when deciding whether he really so special and amazing - and whether you want your skydiving exerience to be totally wrapped up in this guy or whether you want to own your experience.

Additionally, bad idea to jump into a close clique of people (a DZ) and start off by getting involved with someone. You should develop your own identity, make friends - get to know the people without him.

Anyway, just think about it.

It's like girls who date men who promise to leave their wives/girlfriends for them (ok, not totally alike but bear with me) - why would you want a guy who obviously has the capability to do that to someone he says he loves/has loved? Because you think/believe you're different.

Just remember, in this case, you're NOT.

It's not that anyone wants to be harsh, maybe we've made the same mistakes - maybe we see it every single season - maybe you sucked us into caring by asking for advice before revealing you already decided...

Good luck.

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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Sounds to me your jealous, maybe you dont get much business doing AFF at your dz????

He works at one of the largest dz's in Florida. Could be they get so much business because of their high ethical standards, not in spite of them...

You've already made up your mind that you and this guy are right and we're all wrong - despite the fact that those of us saying he's acting unprofessional have been in the sport just a bit longer than you have and just maybe have seen this type of situation go really bad in the past.

I'd suggest you walk away from this thread now before you head further down the road of personal attacks.

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Can we say GULLIBLE?
Well I can say...as the prop churns....

And i can say, "go get me some popcorn to munch on while i sit back and enjoy this show."


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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i dont think he is as bad as what you think he could have waited yes but we just were crazy for each other, is that WRONG???

Yes, it is wrong.

Not on your part. On his. He should know better. He should respect the position he is in as your instructor and keep it professional. If it "was going to happen anyway", then he should have had the maturity to either get someone else to instruct you or wait until you were out of his care as a student before initiating anything romantic.

An instructor is paid to be fully attentive to your safety. Not your eyes in freefall or any other cheesy line. Your safety. It is his responsibility to train you, watch out for you, critique you and help you have good safe skydives. He simply cannot maintain his focus on those mandates if he is hitting on you or sleeping with you.

If you two met and instantly fell in love, that is fine. He should ask another instructor to take his place in your training. It is the same as a judge recusing himself from a case because of a relationship with some party in the trial. If he cannot be impartial, his duty is to remove himself from the case because he can't do as good a job. The same holds true with a skydiving instructor. It is for your safety.

To put it bluntly, if he can't keep his dick in his pants with his students, he should not be an instructor. PERIOD!

None of that is a criticism of you. YOU are under no obligations not to flirt with him, go after him or whatever. It might not be wise, but you are not in a paid professional role that requires you to refrain from those behaviors.

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seems like people are happy to make personal attacks on my guy who they havnt even met so whats the diference.

The difference is YOU opened the discussion. YOU asked what we thought. We told you - we think he's acting in an unprofessional manner by sleeping with you and teaching you at the same time.

That's not a personal attack. That's an opinion. A personal attack would be saying he's stupid, a dickhead, a loser, an asshole, etc. because he's sleeping with you and being your instructor at the same time. Those words haven't been said.

That is if this situation is actually occuring. After looking over your previous posts... all I can say is troll, troll my boat.

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Thank you Lisa. :)
Can't wait to meet you in person. Unfortunately I will be doing the Military Thing the weekend of your own boogie. :( Soon though. It is hard to break from the Hill though. :)
Blue Skies,


"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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The difference is YOU opened the discussion. YOU asked what we thought. We told you - we think he's acting in an unprofessional manner by sleeping with you and teaching you at the same time.

That's not a personal attack. That's an opinion. A personal attack would be saying he's stupid, a dickhead, a loser, an asshole, etc. because he's sleeping with you and being your instructor at the same time. Those words haven't been said.

And i respect and appreciate everyones opinion on here, i will give them all due thought. Thanks Lisa :)

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