
"What motivates you..."

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ugh! Just got off the phone with yet another 'friend' that doesn't understand.

I have a history of not following through with stuff, but not for lack of exploring all the 'easiest' ways of doing them. My motto was "if at first you don't succeed try again, if you fail again - at least you tried twice". And unfortunately this is something that my friends and family have witnessed lately.

I get on a kick to do something... This past year it was my weight loss kick (which has worked), and exercise kick - resulting in large purchases such as roller blades, multiple exercise videos, bicycles and running shoes. I haven't really used them. Instead I've been using the free gym at my work.

This is something my 'friend' has witnessed. I've been pretty cautious about who I tell about my skydiving - becuase I've never felt this way about any of my other 'kicks' before. I can't stop thinking about it, all the time, no lie... I'll be on the treadmill at work and realize that twenty minutes has gone by, that I didn't remember becuase I spent all that time thinking of skydiving....

anyway... I tell this 'friend' about my skydiving and how I'm starting AFF on friday. I try to get her to come with me and do a tandem (my AFF program is tandem progression). She laughs at me!

Telling me something along the lines of 'how long is this going to last', 'how much money are you sinking into this one' and the ever reoccuring 'what would motivate you...'

It got me thinking. Not so much that I shouldn't bother, because this is too ingrained in my brain to stop now, but what motivates me to do this.

I love scary movies, and a 'cheap' thrill. I always thought diving would be 'cool', but didn't give much thought to it until my brother mentioned it this summer. I figured I needed to do something special to recognize the 35 lbs. I'd lost and decided to go for it. What continues to motivate me? The 'feeling' of utter invincability, if only for a few seconds. Being able to experience what I see out a plane window....

But then again, they don't really understand that part... so I keep fielding the stares and blank expressions from my family, friends and coworkers. Makes me feel I should hide in 'the closet' about my new obsession ... but I get the feeling that this 'feeling' will never fade, so how can I give it up? Why would anyone want to give it up?

Well... this got a little bit long didn't it. So what motivates you to continue?

Arianna Frances

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the fact that i don't care if my close friends and family don't want me to jump out of planes. they'll get over it sooner or later. it's what I want to do, so i don't let their opinions get in my way.
it makes me happy and it's my release from my crazy school life.
all good things are wild and free - Henry David Thoreau

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Who gives a rat's ass what others think of you or your passions? If it floats your boat - then ride that puppy! What are we here on this earth for if not to enjoy life to it's fullest? The only way they will "believe" this passion is for real is the test of time. But to be honest, why does it matter? WHo cares if you are a tennis freak one year, a golf fanatic the next, a bird watching boob the next and so on? Is there a limit on how many new things we try or how long we try them. I say good on ya for really taking life by the horns and trying all the things that appeal to you. Wish I could say I go for everything that appeals to me. Not only would I have a lot more cool memories and experiences, but I'd be getting more "piece" too.;)

Fall in dove.

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I've given this much thought as well, as have most. I think for me, the biggest thing (other than the family I've made.) is the meditation part. Going through life with 1000 thoughts going 1 000 000 different directions all day, no matter what is happening... that all goes away when I skydive. From the time I leave the airplane, to the time I land... no matter if it's a hop n pop, coach dive, xcountry, CReW, or RW... the only thoughts in my head are what I am doing at that particular moment. For a few minutes a day, I have focus. 100% focus. That for me is healing... I think.

S.E.X. party #1

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "f*#k, what a ride".

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We as skydivers share many of the same motivating factors, and some are our own exclusively. My main motivating factors are belonging to a special group, the sheer enjoyment of what we do, the special bond we share, and the "Wow, I could never do that!" reaction I get when I tell people what I do for fun. I love that any of us can travel to any DZ in the world and most always be greeted by total strangers like we've known them all our lives. And it doesn't matter who you are, where your from, how much money you make, what you do for a living, sexual orientation, skin color - nothing. Once you walk onto a DZ, we're all skydivers, and that's all that matters. We belong to a very special family.
We all understand all of this, so it's very frustrating when you try to explain it to others and you get a blank stare.
Anymore, when I get the "what's it like" question, I just tell them it's impossible to explain. You must experience it to understand. Then I get the roll of the eyes, and so on. I just smile, and sort of feel sorry for the person who'll never know.

But it sometimes bugs me when I go to the DZ, and shut my phone off, then get flak the next day at work because some one was trying to call me and I didn't answer. Y'know what? I just don't care! You want me to call you when you're making love?

Easy Does It

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Who gives a rat's ass what others think of you or your passions?


They'll never understand anyway.

I have no whuffo friends anymore. Don't need 'em. And after 13 years of jumping my family knows better than to say anything at all negative to me about skydiving... hey, none of them have been part of setting a world record! :P

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But it sometimes bugs me when I go to the DZ, and shut my phone off, then get flak the next day at work because some one was trying to call me and I didn't answer. Y'know what? I just don't care! You want me to call you when you're making love?

hah! That's a riot! I hear ya, tho:)

I just started in this sport in July. I have never had weeks fly by so quickly as they do now. I think about skydiving all week long, then on the weekend, I fling myself from planes:) School and work bother me less because I know i'll be enjoying life to the fullest come the weekend. My friends thought it was cool at first, but now they just think i'm obsessed, out of town every weekend, spending all my $$ on jumping and jumping accessories. haha. But, it makes me happy, and that is what matters. I don't care that I am broke, i'm very happy.

Knowing i'm happier than i've been in my whole life, experiencing the amazing feeling I get from jumping, reliving that experience in my head when i'm not there... that is what keeps me motivated:)


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My friends thought it was cool at first, but now they just think i'm obsessed, out of town every weekend, spending all my $$ on jumping and jumping accessories.


Cool! My friends think I'm obsessed, too. They're always asking "you're going skydiving AGAIN?" Hell, yeah, I am. It's so cute watching them host their little intervention parties...we think you're spending too much money, we think you need friends closer to home, we think you have a death wish, blah, blah, blah. And all I can do is smile at them and count the days till I can get back to the DZ. My poor, uniformed, unenlightened friends - happy keeping both feet on the ground. It's sad, really. :P

My motivation...the awesome people I'm meeting, the DZ vibe, and the call of the open sky just waiting to be explored!

Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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Well... this got a little bit long didn't it. So what motivates you to continue?


The friendships, good times shared. the adrenaline, and there is always something new to learn or to perfect.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Cool! My friends think I'm obsessed, too. They're always asking "you're going skydiving AGAIN?"

When I talked to my aunt last spring.. I let it slip that I was skydiving again....her reaction was... "oh no, you haven't started doing THAT again" This from a woman who I talked into taking pilot lessons... and kayaking lessons.. just to piss off my uncle:P.

I think what motivates me to skydive is the feeling of flying I get .. everytime I step out of the airplane, for those few seconds my dreams of flight become reality.

And there ain't no stinkin speed limit:P


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I agree w/ everyone above me. After 1 year in the sport I only have 1 wuffo friend left. She's done a tandem & HATED the free fall, but loved the canopy ride & (amazingly) can understand why I love the sport. She can actually carry on a skydiving conversation & correct other wuffos since she's honestly listened to me so much.
At times, she'll come hang @ the dz if it's nice out. Also, she's come to know what is & isn't good jumping weather & if I'll be round to hang out or not.

Eventually, eveyone that's around you will either jump, get immune to your discussion or dissapear from your life entirely. I can't wait to run into some old friends @ my college homecoming this fall... haven't seen them since I started jumping & they all thought it'd be another phase (I've had many of them as well) - HA - THIS is a life style!!

Anyway, not really what motivates me but everyone else had answered so well - didn't feel the need to reitterate.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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resulting in large purchases such as roller blades, multiple exercise videos, bicycles and running shoes. I haven't really used them. Instead I've been using the free gym at my work.

New blades in the back of the truck. Used once so far. ackk

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I've got a couple of things that motivate me...

the most obvious one is this little list I've been keeping since I was in second grade. I know its kind of a silly thing, but it helps me keep track of all those things that people say "I've always wanted to do that..." or "I'm going to do that someday". The title of the list is "101 things to do before I die." The list has rules. these are:

1. there is always 101 things on the list. once one goal is accomplished, another goal must take its place. life is easier when you know what you want out of it.
2. to add something else to the list, I have to remove something else. the only way to remove something from the list is to do it. Then, everything else moves up a slot, freeing spot #101.

I added skydiving to my list six years ago. Two weeks ago, I was able to remove "#46. Go skydiving." and replace it with "#101. Get an A license"

My second motivator to skydive is the amazing way my emotions go from abject terror (looking out the plane door!) to this rush (wow! lookit me! I can FLY!) to amazement (the world looks so peaceful from this high up...floating...wow...) to an awesome sense of accomplishment upon landing. It really puts life in perspective, especially when my boss is throwing budget deadline stuff at me that was supposed to be done last week (by someone else!)... its kind of a "heck... I survived falling out of an airplane at 13000 feet.... this budget shit is nothing!"


lol...I'm weird...I admit it.

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um the door being open motivates me. The wind rushing in the plane just calls to me. If I drive down the highway and roll down my windows, somehow no matter where I was suppose to go I end up at the DZ sooner or later... Sky diving has just become part of me, like breathing...what motivates you to breathe? Well you just do it because you can't stop...no matter how long you try to hold your breath eventually you will breathe again. Why do you think there are no sufficating one self suicides. No one could do it.

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Sadly enough, finishing a momentary passion to the end is difficult for me as well.[:/]
I'd say that we have alot in common as far as that goes.
Usually I find my motivation coming from being told "No".
No you can't, or No, you aren't good enough. Well, lemme tell ya sumthin'

This sport I will excell at. I will be the best I can be. I jus know in my heart, in my very soul that I will not give up. Now, that knowledge motivates me.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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