
what should you be doing right now?

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should be working; need to be takin' a nap!!

edited to add:
At least this is keeping me awake. Don't know which my boss would prefer though. :S

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I could be breaking down boxes, taking garbage out, vacuuming the store, pricing the few remaining items without price tags or sorting through the rest of the used gear instead of posting.

Maybe when I finish my lunch I'll go get one of those things done...

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should be working . . . oh great only 20 minutes until break time, no point in working from now until then:)

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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I should be finishing my end of month stuff i didn't finish yesterday. Oh well, i'd rather sit here PWing, IMing, eating animal crackers, and thinking about the sky.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I should be jumping...
I should be packing...
I should be taking a rigging course...
I should be working on my sit...
I should be hanging out at the DZ...
I should be taking a canopy class...
I should be getting a coach rating...

I am sitting at my desk pretending to be working, I am definately not doing what I SHOULD be doing!

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I should be copying y'alls posts and sending them to your bosses

I'm sure my boss will be reading this thread soon enough without your assistance.

He can't complain - the store has been open more hours in the past two weeks than it has in the entire past year - I'm only slightly exaggerating!:o

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