WFFC 1 #26 October 1, 2003 The company I used to work for I used to deal with investors on the phone. Got a check one day made out to me with a note that simply stated "I trust you'll put this in the best place for me". The check was from an elderly investor for 1.7 million. Damn morals made me rip the check in half after a phone call to the investor. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kansasskydiver 0 #27 October 1, 2003 My dad called me up one day and wanted me to meet him after lunch and go downtown with him. Never told me anything, just figured he wanted to spend "quality" time with me. Said he needed to drop off some stuff and then we'd get something to eat. He carried his breifcase and a like laptop bag over his shoulder. We walked into a little shop that had a gaurd, thru a door that was coverred with pictures and then upstairs there was an office. He introduced me to some of the guys up there, put down this briefcase and carry bag and the guy walked back to a safe with them. He came back out with some paperwork and had him sign it. We left the location and he took me to McDonalds or something like that. I didn't really know what was going on or what not but it came to me later... He had me walk with him in the event that something were to happen to him. Even though I didn't know what would have been going on, I would have called for help or been able to describe the persons. He was making a business transaction to the USA in dollars and the location we were going to was a private sector of the bank. They were hidden because of the large transactions that went on. And no it was not an illegal transaction, just because we live in an South American country, import export and own a farm DOESN'T imply anything <--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Layton 0 #28 October 2, 2003 $19 bought a jump ticket with it***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jumpinjackflash 0 #29 October 2, 2003 I don't even need a new one! I'll take three used ones!!!! Black and Red Red and Black Red with Black Stripes.... whatever!!! 7 mil is a bit nuts, I'd take the first mil and get a dz. next mil, get a plane. next mil, piss away.... bank the rest, there is the damn insurance for the whole mess, that might last a month :-) blues Freaky, jjfIt's a gas, gas, gas... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites