
Byron Boogie countdown and rollcall.. woohoo!

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Hey Rosa... the landing area is huge.. you will get a briefing right after you check in.. last weekend the winds were almost nil.. who knows what they will be like this weekend.. hopefully similar.. but ya never know.. it may get a little chilly at night but will probably be close to 90 during the day.. so prepare for hot days but bring long pants and a sweatshirt for the evenings. maybe even a jacket.. B|
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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OK, here's a shot of the main landing area from above. That's Iwan funnelling away from me at mach speed. Don't worry I got back down there to get the opening.

...Hmmm? Oh yeah! The main landing area! It's about, what? A quarter mile deep and a half-mile wide. If you are west of the single fence out there, it's about another quarter mile deep and wide. South it's about a half mile deep and wide. It's all pretty much flat, except the gentle hill north of the DZ, but I've downwinded that one downhill and got some great cow swoopage.

And you walk right across the road into the hangar. No runways to cross, no vans to ride, bang! "Pack my shit biotch!" and like that.

Just corner any of us locals, and we'll tell you what's what. On my level ONE I landed a mile from the DZ in a cow pasture. No problemo. It's all really flat, and what fences there are are easy to find.

Eloy is the only DZ I like anywhere near as much.

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DAMMIT! And I gussied one up to REALLY impress her, too!

Here's the rough borders, folks. The fence on the left (west) side is barbed wire, and is the only obstacle worth mentioning. The others are a windsock and a little 8 X 8 pump house with flags all over it.

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Byron jumpers...
Girlfalldown.. Friday afternoon - Sunday
Boyfalldown.. Friday afternoon - Sunday
Bigben .. Friday afternoon - Sunday
Lummy.. Friday - Sunday (hopefully)
Skyesspot.. Friday - Sunday (hopefully)
Chopchop.. Friday through Sunday..
Deuce.. Friday - Sunday
skybaby and de Bar -- Friday-Sunday
vdschoor.. Friday - Sunday

Hollister jumpers
LizzieB... Saturday and maybe Sunday..
Iceman (mfrese)..Friday through Sunday (maybe even Thursday afternoon)
Sebazz.. Saturday & Sunday
Pop.. 1/2 the boogie.. whatever that means...
The Anvil...Friday Afternoon-Sunday..
gian.. Fri. - Sunday

Visiting Jumpers
vanillaskygirl (Elsinore) Friday-Sunday...
rookie120.. Friday - Sunday (Colorado)
Amazon.. Friday - Sunday (Washington)
MissMissy (Skydive Chicago)
tattoojeff (Oregon)
NoshitthereIwas.. Friday - Saturday
ec14 Friday - Sunday (Washington)
Skybabe76 (Lodi, CA)
Kdsosso (Lodi, CA)
Turnlow (Lodi, CA)

Anybody who's on this list and wants to get in on the Byron Boogie DZ.com RW record dive please sign up here:
Byron Boogie Dropzone.com record

I have a copy of the list above, since there are a lot of freeflyers on here we should attempt to break the hybrid record too while we are at it B|

Cya there!

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Dude, how high ir maybe I should say low are you in that picture??? :S

OK shit. I don't think I am going to be able to make the boogie. My gear is out of date and I have been so busy that I have not made it down to Monterey yet to have Tommy repack my reserve. I have 2 huge midterms on Wed and 2 more the following Wed and I'm skippin town for 5 days in between where I plan on doing nothing but relaxing.

Now, if I knew how to pack my own reserve, that might be a different story. I'd probably be packing it right now. (One more reason to become a rigger :S). and I wanted to meet VanillaSkyGirl too ...:(

Anyone know a good local rigger that can pack me by tomorrow? I just don't have the time to drive all the way to Monterey and back before tomorrow.

Maybe I can make the party Friday night.
Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires."

Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."

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Hey Jen.. There are a few riggers that will be at the boogie but you should probably contact one ASAP.. Clay, who owns the video concession at Byron is one, Hookitt, of course and avgjoe... Keith.. Send me a PM if you'd like some digits.. I don't know what any of their workloads are but Keith is conveniently located in Alameda.. B|

BTW... my house is full of boogie bags and there is just 24 hours to go.. :P:D
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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