
passed my c

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Yeah I sent mine in two weeks ago and they still havnet received it in the mail or at least havnt gotten to that stack yet !! I called them and the lady said as long as it is POST MARKED before the 30th its all good !!

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I should send for mine before the end of the month :S:S:S

Ditto on the congrats!

Yes, get it sent in, even if just the "C".

At the end of the month, not only do the jump number requirements change, but so do the qualifications and privledges.

Basically, if you needed a "D" to do it before (Nationals, open field Demo's, ect) you now will only need a "C". All of the "D" requirements will move to the "C" also, except for the night jumps. Basically, if you want a "D", do the night jumps, but you need not do them to compete anymore. It kinda threw me that the beach jumps at the Bytch Boogie will require a "D", after the new rules start, since the landing area requirements of the "D" will then be on the "C".

Basically, if you qualify for the "C", send it in! Then in a few hundered jumps, if you want the "D" and have done the night jumps, it's just a signature away.

Hope that helps!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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