
David Lee Roth now aka Zipperhead.

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It was term we used at work to descibe one of the guys who was taking Okinawin Kobudo, and had a slight incident with a nachaku. He ended up with 8 stiches down his forehead - thus a zipper on his head.
The DRL incident reminded me of that.

Oh . . . duh . . . stupid me, I gets it now! :$

. . =(_8^(1)

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yes it us, along with moonface, slope, dink etc...

those of us that served in SE Asia will always refer to them as we did then, sorry about not being PC, but that's the way it is.

I'm not referring to Asian people nowadays, just the memories of the ones we got "close to"

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I am sorry David Lee got hurt.

He hurt me one time.
I was minding my own business.
Sitting in the front row of a small venue where they, Van Halen, were performing. My knees were pressed against the stage. I had my hands on the stage just jammin away and wink-winking at the bass player. (I love bass players, dunno why) I was grabbing his picks he threw my way. (he winked back, I got 3 picks)

AnyWay- David Lee Roth stepped on my hand full force. I looked up and Lo... there was the Dudes package.

I cant remember much else. I likely wouldnt have remembered the entire concert if it were not for him stepping on my hand.


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Zipperhead is an ancient derogatory term that dates back at least to the Second World War.
If you are driving a tank (you know one of those armored fighting vehicles with tracks on the bottom and a really big gun on top ...) with the hatch open and you forget to strap down the hatch, it just might whack you in the head. Those hatches weight more than 100 pounds a piece.
A friend had his ear sewn back on after a Sherman tank hatch tried to remove it!
Oh and if you call a tanker a "zipperhead" he will just laugh at you and get on with the next topic of conversation.

Master Corporal Rob Warner, CD (retired)
Sherbrooke Hussars 1974 - 1979

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