
Hobbies/Sports besides Skydiving?

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Work, Work Work did i mention work? Don't have time to join many othe things, I joined a conversation once but it was boring so i left.. does that count :) Cornona with lime, Irish car bombs, dare i say everquest. What a life to live anyone wanna trade :) be safe out there..


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This one has probably been asked a bunch of times, but I want to hear them anyway.

Unfortunately these day I don't do much of anything other than skydiving or sportbike riding but I will give a list of hobbies/sports that have held a strong significance for me at one point or another.
* = very much into it at one point.
1. Skiing ******
2. Flying **
3. Tennis **
4. ninga zx-9 riding **
5. Scuba
6. Pool/billiards **
7. Bull Riding
8. Motocross
9. Waterskiing *
10. Skating Vert skateboard or roller skates
11. Traveling
12. Languages *
13. Rock Climbing

Anyway here is a picture I ran across today.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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Rock climbing and scuba diving.

Being obtuse and annoying are other hobbies of mine according to my sis.

Second oldest bro says I excel at being weird and embarrasing to him and my oldest brother (bless his heart) says I'm good at being a good guy :).

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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seeing how many miles i can put on a bmw motorcycle before it wears out.currently i have a 1978 bmw r80/7 with 213,000 yes thats right 213 thousand miles on it.and it still purrs like a kitten.and i have a 1985 bmw k100rt with about 54k on it.(its still a baby).and i like firearms too.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough

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Besides Skydiving there is not much time left, what little there is is split between:

Mountain biking
Stupid escapades
Muchroom Hunting
cliff diving
and kayaking are the Major ones I keep up with.
T.S.S # 5
To dream great dreams is itself an act of daring. -Eric Shipton & Bill Tilman

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I colloect moulds, spores, and fungus.

Hopefully not between the toes, 'cause that's just gross. :D:P

More likely in the refrigerator

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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