
Pet Tricks

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It's not really a trick, but in the middle of the night my cat, Phoebe, will find my bra in a pile of clothes, steal it and take it to another room. I have no idea why she goes for my bra, but I don't want to know what she does with it. :S
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I REALLY wanted to get some sleep right now, but... I can't refrain from answering this one. I think I qualify for having owned the dumbest cat ever :S

Smokie (The one on the right in this pic) could never find out how to open a half-closed door. After weeks & weeks of patient showings by me (leaning the door against the frame, taking the feet of the cat & opening the door by gently pushing her feet against the door) she kind of "got it", but decided it was easier to run against the door & opening it by full body force :S - only drawback: she did the same thing from the outside, thus shutting the door completely & then sitting in front og it, looking incredibly hurt & clueless.

Some time later, I decided to get a cat door & spent hours on the task on familiarizing her with it. Just picture me, sitting there with a piece of her favorite sausage, softly calling out to her until she finally dared to go through. And guess what? From then on, she always tried to use the cat door, even when the door was wide open.:(

she was really loveable though & the only cat I know that concentrated more on on people than on surroundings (you could go for a walk with her "by foot", like a dog)

but other cats I have come to know were just so much smarter. Like being able to open a fridge door even though the owner had tried to seal it with a broom:o

Anyway. Really off to bed now.

(Home @ http://www.fallschirmspringer.net/)

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My parents used to own a security company and we had some german sheppards that were very well trained....I remeber Argo the best...damn thing could climb a 10 ft verticle ladder! And i taught him how to walk on his hind legs and use his front to box...a few of my friends found out the hard way ;)

Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

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My little pomeranian, Sasha, jumps and does a 360 b4 landing, and she'll do this like 8 times in a row if she thinks she's been good and deserves a treat, haha. It's really funny, she's like a circus dog. She also knows sit, stay, come, quiet, lie down, and give me paw. On top of this, she pottys in a litter box.

My old rottie used to know 'show 'em what they win' (my brother tought her this), she'd roll over and spread her legs. haha.

My roommates tarantula spins a web and can catch like 6 crickets at a time right under her body. It's truly one of the coolest things you'll ever see!


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My dog, (who died earlier this year) when asked if he wanted to sleep outside, would go get the rolled up sleeping bags and drag them outside! I'm not kidding:D. When the bags were outside, he would go back for the pillows! It was the funniest thing to see him 'drag' the sleeping bags all the way down the hallway. Sometimes, the bags didn't stay rolled up by the time he got them outside!


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Let' see.... my girl, Kayla, can do the following:

Drop it
shake - she gives you one paw.
"Hi-five" When your hand is higher than her head, she leans back and touches her paw to your hand.
"go to bed" - she goes to her crate
"go outside" - she goes to the back door
"go nite-nite" - time for bed and she heads to the back door
"go inside" - she goes inside
"go bye-bye" Her Favorite! - means get excited and go out the front door.
"Go Potty" - Pretty obvious about this one
"no play" - means stop all wrestling and allows me to pet her
"want some food/wanna eat" - means dinner time
"where's your toy/ball" she looks for her toys
"attack" she pounces on you and lavishes you with kisses!
"get 'em! or get it!" - she starts to bark at whatever is making the scary noise or the front door.
"whoah" means slow down when walking
"heel" - she comes and sits to the right of me
"come" - she is very good offleash and has excellent recall skills.
"kiss" she gives you a big wet wolfdog kiss
and last...
"cookie" pronounced "coookeeee" - means treats

My roommate has been trying to teach her "paw out" for over a year now, but I think it's one of those things that can't really be taught. She lies on the ground with one paw curled up and he tries to get her to put her paw out.

I'm working on roll-over, but that one's taking some time. Not bad for 2 and half years, huh ?

Do I win ?? ;);) I mean does SHE win ?? :)

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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My dog would also know which Christmas present was his (It was always the one in white tissue paper!) and would open it when he saw everyone else opening their gifts! Two of the pics are of him opening his gifts and one is him dragging the sleeping bag out, but it didn't get out rolled up this time!!!:D I do miss him:(.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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let's see, all three of my ferrets can open kitchen drawers. until i put child latches on them, they would open the bottom one, climb up the back of the drawers, then open the top one from inside and scamper out onto the counter. now, one of them can climb a towel left hanging on the oven door, hand over hand (paw over paw?) and get on the counter that way. my jack russel greets me every dy by running at me full steam, i crouch slightly and he leaps onto my thighs and launches himself upwards. i catch him at about head height. the other pets (a really fat cat, a shih tzu and a chinchilla) don't do much but eat, crap and act weird.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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Ally knows the basics (sit, down, stay, heel, off, leave it, on your bed) as well as "Who is it?" (growls/barks, checks the doors/perimeter of our property for anyone approaching) "Give love" (settles down and licks open palm) and "Gimme hug".

Gracie doesn't know much of anything, but she barks and follows Ally on "who is it?" rounds. She's got her sister's back. :)
(drink Mountain Dew)

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I have a cat who weighs like 20 lbs and has long fur. So basically in the dark you could mistake him for a racoon. He does very little but lie around putting on weight. He does however have an almost psychotic reaction to moths. If one is fluttering around, he makes an insane cackling noise that continues until he's eating the thing. He loves them. They must be like kitty-gummybears. He has to climb an old dead tree to get back to the balcony of the apartment when he goes outside. He knows that "Yummy Kitty!" means it's time for tuna fish dinner. He knows that "FUCK" means I'm pissed of at something and he takes off. Even if I say it quietly. Not too impressive in the Pet Tricks dept. but there you go.

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Little King Tut can:
come (but only if you say it three times)
turn around right
turn around left
doesn't touch the treat until the command "ok"
walk on a treadmill for exercise
Knows he is not allowed in the dining room during dinner
Knows that if he hears "ep" slurred, what ever he has drop it, stop it, get off it and pay attention now.
Tut's personal favorite is to beg for food with great pride and expertise while at the drop zone

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My dog knows:

Sit (and sign language version)
Stay (+ sign)
Down (+ sign)
Roll-over (+ sign)
Speak (+ sign)
"Who's there?" (go to the windor/door and look + bark)
"Let's go pee" (self explanatory)
"Go home"
"Place" (find a bed, or rug to lie down on)
"Find it" (go around room and find something)\
"Which hand is it in?" (smells each closed hand to find which hand contains the treat)
"Shake" + "Gimme 5'" "Gimme some paw" or anything of that sort.. I swear.. she reads minds and always knows what I want..
"Cross" (to cross the street)
"slow" (to slow down while walking)
She knows most of her toy's names.
She understands speech very well. She knows exactly what you mean if you tell her to "get down" (off the couch) or something... You can almost speak naturally to her as you would a 10 year old and she will understand.

The list goes on..
"you want it?" (asking her if she wants something I have or will get her soon)
she knows most of the words for food and treats.. like "dinner".. "chips" "cookie" "pizza"... they all mean a damn good meal for her...
"[lets go for a] walk" ... time for a walk..
"outside"... obvious..

she knows so many commands and tricks.. I can write about them for days.. ;) she is absolutely the smartest dog I have ever known. And no formal training what so ever.. ;)

See attached..

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