
Which of these describes you sexually

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giving pleasure, gives me pleasure. :)

Exactly! I get off (or at least I used to) on giving pleasure...the feeling of control and the gratification I got from the moaning and screaming...gawd and that was in 8th grade too...imagine what i could do today!

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That would have been as far as I got, but one night at the movies her hand went for the goods. One of the biggest mistakes of my life was going with it and the ensuing physical relationship. I take it as a very educational learning experience. I learned an incredible amount about myself. I'm just extremely happy that I am still a virgin by my standards, I don't really see oral or manual pleasure as sex. I know I'm probably in the minority here, but it's just me. Sex is insertion, in my mind.

I guess the definition of sex is a whole 'nother poll :$

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Mainly a pleaser. Depends on the mood and the person though. Ex girlfriend in a drunken moment with friends...[slur]"Clay is really good at Cunni-lunga-lingus......"[/slur] :D Of course...then there is the last time we were together when the end was obvious. It was all about me. ;)

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half n half.
i used to be a "pleaser". though, with my current boyfriend, i have learned that it is best when it's equal. we are both very much "pleasers". he has helped me accept that i can take as much as i give. it all ends up even and we both end up very happy... and the quality keeps the frequency very high! :D

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