
Which of these describes you sexually

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half n half.
i used to be a "pleaser". though, with my current boyfriend, i have learned that it is best when it's equal. we are both very much "pleasers". he has helped me accept that i can take as much as i give. it all ends up even and we both end up very happy... and the quality keeps the frequency very high! :D

Wow BK - we are on the same relationship page - again! It's so fun to please! The return is amazing, not the reason - but a nice bonus. And if I don't let him give he almost gets grumpy :o.


Like Samuel L. Jackson said in the movie "Shaft", it is my duty... to please that booty.

So THAT'S where that saying comes from. I wondered when my s/o said it... then I rolled over & went to sleep :D

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Wow BK - we are on the same relationship page - again! It's so fun to please! The return is amazing, not the reason - but a nice bonus. And if I don't let him give he almost gets grumpy .

:D Yup! Hey, mine gets grumpy if he can't give too. It is awesome to have someone that wants so bad to please you, isn't it? It makes me want to please him even more. Turns into a very pleasing sort of circle of giving/receiving/giving/receiving/giving.... hahaha... :D

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Yeah, but I don't have to kick start mine every night!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! >:(

Sorry, now that some stress is starting to lift (what I call "fuckit, I can't learn any more before the test" release), my humor is most definately "odd".
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Pleasing a woman is by far one of the best experiences in life. I love it when she starts to move a little bit and make those little uncontrollable noises. That just gets to me every time :)

I've just got to find a new gal to be with though, moving away to college ended my previous relationship. :(

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Trust me, ending the HS relationship when you go to college is the best thing to do. I didn't do that and it ended up being a HUGE fucking mess, very bad.

And, you're now in college, so fuckit, there's plenty of HOT gals, you shouldn't have any problem.

Hey, what college did you move off to?
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Hehe, I'm at Lamar University in Beaumont right now.

My sister is over there at A&M, her name is LeeAnn Walston, don't have a clue if you know her.

Lamar is pretty nice though, and yes, you're correct. There are plenty of nice looking girls around here. :)

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Does she jump? If not, why not? Is she in any clubs or organizations? I'm trying to figure out if I might have met her somehow. The chances of that is pretty slim, though, since there are nearly 50,000 students.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Nah she doesn't jump... She doesn't even like roller coasters :) She's the model for Motion Sickness Monthly :P (J/K)

I don't know if she's in any of the clubs there or not, but I know she is into the Agriculture area of A&M big time. She also drives / dispatches the campus busses, so you might have seen her there.

She's a senior this year.

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That's a reference to a dyke joke (not calling you a dyke), but it talks about having to kick start her vibrator...

If she's a senior, then she's '04, I'm '02 so its very possible that we've crossed paths before.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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