
FINALLY...Weekend Numbers 9/20-9/21

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80 days since I broke my arm and was told not to jump anymore. [:/]:P

5 of the best jumps I've had in a long time. One fun 4 way chick way which funneled all to heck but was fun anyway, one lopsided hybrid that we managed to hold anyway, a really cool sit fly which showed me just how much I backslide in a sit, a six way chunk launched out of the king air which was funny to even imagine much less see, and a three way sunset jump that was breathtaking because the skies were amazing.

It was absolutely wonderful to be back in the skies. I did purposefully position myself outside the plane on every jump just to make sure there was no repeat performances of the plane biting me on the way out. :S

I bought beer just because I enjoyed myself so damn much, and because it was the first time I have ever forgotten to turn on my cypres. I helped someone else turn theirs on so I remember turning one on...just not mine. I guess I proved you CAN jump without one, but I'd still rather not.

I hope everyone else had a much fun as I did this weekend.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Right ON.

Thanks for calling and letting me know that everything went well.

Although I was probably the only fool you could get a hold of. :P

I am glad I was able to help the ride home.

Get that arm a little rest since you put it to the test.

Hope to see ya soon and finally jump with ya.



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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7:0 (at work today, what a drag)....

However did 7 awesome jumps saturday, with jump 7 being an improptu FIRST (i'm proud of this one) naked jump. The guys i jumped with offered to buy my beer, they were just psyched that i did it. :)

wish i could get out of work today to do more, it's a great skydiving day :)

"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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Seven line twists (glad I dumped a little high and had time to kick 'em out), one new jump suit, 4 jumps. I ordered a new suit from Windline and had them rush it (ship in 15 business days); it was at my door in exactly two weeks! Woohoo! Now, if I can only get used to the booties.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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Congrats on finally making it back to the sky, Lisa!!! I can't wait to hear you screaming your lungs out in joy from the other side of a formation in freefall again.:P


1 chop from a Stiletto with a broken suspension line and a blown cell resulting in a freebag/reserve PC that also got tarred & featherd TX style. Sigh. $165 for the freebag & PC and god knows how much for my main to get repaired.

2 kickass jumps. One with Turtlespeed, and one solo with, what I've heard, a kickass exit from the CASA captured on camera by Tony from SSM.

3 cases of beer owed for first (and hopefully last) blown-up canopy, 1st chop at Aggieland, 1st jump on my Tempo reserve, 1st time totalling a reserve freebag & PC. If you're gonna do it, do it with chaos-:ph34r: style.;)
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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0 jumps on Saturday, 0 jumps on Sunday>:(
It's raining cats and dogs.....:(

I'm mad>:(>:(>:( and way bored!

Hope you all had a great weekend..... because I didn't.[:/]


MEN: you can't live with 'em, you can't shoot 'em, but you can act psychotic and keep 'em off balance.

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2 months since i last jumped... but i had the ok from the doc to get back in the sky:)

9 jumps this weekend:):):):):):) 3 successful rw jumps and 6 sweet as shit ff jumps. i learned to hold a stable head down, i met max cohn, i have sweet video on 2 jumps with friends (one of which was my 69th jump.... you can guess the dockage on that one), made some of my first docks. had the BEST weekend in a loooong time. it's soooo good to be back to the sky. i love you all. :)
1 dust devil got me on a landingB|

1 met my first real dz.commer.... freeflir29, clay. i didnt get to hang out with him much cause i was jumping my ass off and he was only there for a short time. [:/]

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Smirnoff Blue Label:2:0

2 jumps bellydown waiting for what seemed like an eternity to get to 4k so I could pull...kind of boring.

The landings, unlike those in my recent past, didn't result in me using a brush to clean my container off.


Grapefruit juice with Smirnoff-100 anyone?

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That's wonderful Lisa! Good for you for waiting long enough to get yourself better!



Only one paid camera jump, a level one on Sunday, but 10 very nice skydives on Saturday, including a nice three way with ChopChop and GFD (That's GirlFallDown, I've decided she'll be GFD from now on while typing, say the long version in your head)

7 big way RW jumps where I did not f*ck up. Big as in 8 to 12 way, not 800 to 1200 way.

Congrats again Lisa, I'm so glad you're back. I've attached a picture from the last jump I saw you make. Hope you are wearing that smile again.


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Two way sit with a heavy guy. We were tight out of the door (unlinked exit), then he was goooooone. A hop 'n pop. A CRW jump, 5 docks, including one totally smooth one by me (best of the weekend, right there). A 3 way headdown. Totally dangerous, totally fast.

Edit to add: Totally.

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One new kitten. "Pumpkin". 3 month old calico short haired, totally adorable. I adopted her about 3 hours ago from the rescue people; she's already spayed. She is starting to make the adjustments (by that, I mean she's finding some really good hiding places:S). Charlotte and Essie, however, believe the world has ended.

What can I say, I felt the need for cuddles. I will post with photos sometime soon...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Great weekend, started Thursday after work...drove out to the DZ and we were all helping to finish setting up for the AOT boogie. A VERY wonderfull person was leaving and asked if we wanted to jump out as he left....I love those free H&P's.;)

4 jumps on Friday out of the CASA. First and second were solo sits, then I got to Jump with Kris...heh, I gotta get a suit....and the last was a beautiful sunset clear and pull from altitude while I lurked AggieDave and his long time friend Malachi(sp.) as they flew around. Malachi dumped out some streamers...60 ft or so, and that was really cool to watch.

2 jumps on saturday, first was a rw with Kay Choate, great dive. Second was a raft dive. I was sandwiched in the middle of a red headed hottie skychick and DZ.COM's own Brit17. The dive didn't work out all that well. It did have promise, but Murfey must have been on that load too.

0 jumps on Sunday due to rain,[:/] but I got to go eat breakfast (read: Lunch) with some friends from SSM and then we went and reviewed all the footage from the boogie that will be used for the boogie tape.

And last but not least, 1 SCR ceremony. Yup, ya maggots, I can pour on you now!

All in all a fantastic weekend.:)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Glad you're back Mouth - we need someone to keep Wingnut in line when he starts telling the duck joke.

3:3:0 - team-taught AFF class with Mustard on Saturday. Man - that takes a lot of energy! A few coach jumps and a fun jump. Some good dialogue with skr. Jumped one of Eloy's Otters all weekend - very nice.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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2 is for the number of sandwiches my adorable nephew made me for dinner. On Friday, i went to my sissy's house and my 6 year old nephew wanted to make me dinner. It was soooo freakin cute.

9 jumps. Mainly FF of course!! Got in some awesome docks. The important part was i had so much FUN!!!

1 case for my first time jumping with a tandem.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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2 is for the number of sandwiches my adorable nephew made me for dinner. On Friday, i went to my sissy's house and my 6 year old nephew wanted to make me dinner. It was soooo freakin cute.

9 jumps. Mainly FF of course!! Got in some awesome docks. The important part was i had so much FUN!!!

1 case for my first time jumping with a tandem.

Morning Sunshine....
G-O-O-D M-O-R-N-I-N-G - Good morning......

That was sweet of you to call us and remind us to be awake.:P
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Morning Sunshine....
G-O-O-D M-O-R-N-I-N-G - Good morning......

That was sweet of you to call us and remind us to be awake

Glad someone appreciates my hyperness in the morning. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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