
FINALLY...Weekend Numbers 9/20-9/21

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I still think we should have started chanting "Jerry! Jerry!" and throwing chairs around. I'm sure he would have loved it.

:D I should've worn my bangs really tall for the special occassion!


I'm going to stich the Classic back up (It had an accident on Sunday ) and loan it to anyone that wants to jump wih me

Hmm...that should be an interesting story... I hope to get my rig sold soon enough to buy a GTI! Should I wear weights the next time I jump with you and Ray? :P

Oh! And I met (and re-met) some dz.com people! Too bad we didn't get to do that Mr. Bill...
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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DITTO! Couldn't have said it better! Thanx to everyone @ Skydive Aggieland! I had such a great weekend! Everyone was extremely nice!

Got to AOTMB on Friday evening, didn't make any jumps, but drank & got some hottub action! Thanx soooo much Turtlespeed for letting us stay @ your pad! You RAWK! Did 2 jumps on Saturday; 1 with Tony & Softlandings & 1 with Janet & Chip.

THANX again Aggieland, I had a great time & will post pictures soon!
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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Took me long enough to post!!!


Seven great jumps - The first four were in the final meet of the MWSL - We scored a total of 25 points minus one bust for a grip. We averaged 6 points per jumps - Not bad for a bunch of rookies! Everyone is asking/telling us we should keep this same team together for next year. We absoutely ROCKED! Took the bronze!

Three very cool fun jumps followed, and I bought beer for taking out the formation on a 10-way speed star

Paperwork is in for my D license!

I'll be working toward my Coach rating now, too. got the FJC syllabus and will begin practice teaching my daughter this week.

Also, my son (12) Esau, who currently resides with his Mom in Alaska, may be coming to live with me! I'll have two of my three kids here!! WOOHOO! The oldest is out on her own now, in New York.

It's gonna be a hell of a week!

Easy Does It

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The first four were in the final meet of the MWSL - We scored a total of 25 points minus one bust for a grip. We averaged 6 points per jumps - Not bad for a bunch of rookies! Everyone is asking/telling us we should keep this same team together for next year. We absoutely ROCKED! Took the bronze!

RIGHT ON, LENNY!!! That rocks! You guys have come a long ways since I was there in May.. B|;)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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My weekend was the best! And it didn't end until Monday afternoon! Ok so Denver might be cool a little bit. Mile-Hi Rocked! I got to meet, ryoder and jump with riddler and CanuckInUSA. I had so much fun on those jumps I forgot to look at the damn mountains! Arrrgg!

Oh well. I still have a jump on my account at Mile-Hi. Guess I'll have to go back and visit. Cause you guys rock! ...and well, maybe another reason.

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Three very cool fun jumps followed, and I bought beer for taking out the formation on a 10-way speed star

Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Bitchin' AFF dive with an arial stunt pilot who wanted to learn canopy control and landing if she ever needed to use it.

Cool demo jump into the Calfornia Speedway with 15 of my friends.

Dunking of a very good friend as he owed beer for his first PRO jump! B| (see attached)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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~10+: New friends I met at SD-AZ. Slotperfect, skykttykat, chomeboy, bbarnhouse, dusty, Tom, stephan, ron, al, and many more...And lots of PLF practice on that new (to me) Sabre 190 landings - Almost had the hang of it by the time it was to go home.

10 Jumps.

3: New rig, First (second and third) 6-way, first jump at SD AZ/1400 MSL.

- Jeff

"That's not flying, it's falling with style."

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:( : 3 :0

went to the dz that is 3 miles from my house... it was okay.... thier cravan is way more cramped than out twin bonanza at the othr dz i go to.... might have to start gong to that dz more... the 3 mile drive is hard to pass up and they have sme kickass freeflyers... did one head down jump and 2 wingsuit jumps... fun weekend.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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