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We've talk over the phone a few weeks ago, she's fine, the reason she's not online is because she was switching DSL companies, I guess she's still waiting or something.

That's all I know.

2 points for you!
She is VERY hot/Liquid heat/...sizzle!B|
(It would be awesome if she jumped more:), my Libido can only take so much on the ground[:/])
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Paranoia....I think your right Skymonkeyone....but these idiots think they are a gift to women everywhere....knowing full well they couldnt get a chick...anywhere except Kentuck Fried.

Its interesting to note that most of them dont have many jumps.....in the air...or on the ground.:ph34r::ph34r:

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Damm.... I wish I could abuse my greeny powers now....

Justin, old buddy, old pal, old friend... I'd like to oficially invite you to the French forum... why dont you make a post there so I can ban your ass

What good is power if you can't abuse it!:P
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Well everyone, I'm back!!!!

I thank you all for missing me lmao... even if it was only because you didnt have a headache. Anyway I'm doing ok.. I lost my DSL connection and it took a while to get reconnected. I havent jumped for sometime. I've had other things going that took priority. But, its good to be back. Thanks for all the slurred drunk dials I got too.



Hope you don't get Banned!

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I havent jumped for sometime. I've had other things going that took priority. But, its good to be back

Hey .. well if you are back.. and since you are in the Bay Area.... why not come to the Byron Boogie next weekend... there will be a LOT of DZ. Com folk.... it would be a good time to meet some people.. and start jumping again...

WE should talk Rosa into bringing LadySkyDiver and a few more of the Southern Cal peeps up...

Hell I am driving 13 hours to come down and make a few jumps...so the long drive excuse thing just doesnt work .. at least with me.>:(


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