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I just bought a new SAMSUNG 52x cd burner, installed it, and it doesn't work, I am positive that it is hooked up correctly, but it doesn't work. It has power, but it does not read or burn,
I bought this burner because my old burner did not work either,
And another wierd thing, my dvd drive(slave drive)below it does not work eathir since i installed the new burner, When you put the cd in in makes the powering up noise like its going to read but then dies out quickly, and that goes for the same with the dvd drive, when I go to my computer and look at my drives, the DVD player is the only thing that shows up, the cd burner drive does not appear, I went to MY DEVICE MANAGER and found that it says that it is working correctly, CAN SOMEONE PLAE HELP

I am using Windows XP PRO

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I'm assuming that they're both on the same IDE channel/cable? I'm also assuming that the DVD is the first on the cable.

take a look at the jumpers make sure that they are either

both on CS (cable select)
One as master and the other as slave

If that doesn't work,

unplug the DVD and fire her up. Does the Burner show now?
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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I just unplugged the DVD Drive and restarted it, the burner showed in my computer, i tried to burn a cd but it still didn't work, the computer makes the noise like its burning the cd, but half way through it stops and says error? the burner just sits there during the burning process like its dead?

How do i know if they're both on the same IDE channel/ or cable?

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what is the error? Buffer underflow?
Was there flashing lights when it tried to burn the CD?

I can safely say that both are on the same IDE channel, you'll need to play with the jumpers like I mentioned in the previous post

have you seen the manual?
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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I just hooked the DVD DRIVER back up again, and in MY COMPUTER, it doesn't show the cd burner drive once again , when i try to burn a cd the buffer does not move, and the light does not flash

why is it when I hook the DVD Player up, it only shows the DVD Drive, and not the CD Burner Drive?

and yes the Burner Drive is set to the MASTER DRIVE

but there is only one cable running to the DVD DRIVE, the cable goes into the AUDIO RGL port

the burner has the same plug, but it has an extention off of it with another plug that goes into the master Drive port

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Have you ruled out that the burner not completing the job could be a software problem? I mean, I know that part of what your dealing with has clearly been pinpointed to a hardware/cable issue, but maybe that's only half of the problem...

Are you using Roxio's software or the built in cd burning software?

Does the cd burner read and mount normal cds, or does it not function in any way?

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set the burner to SLAVE.

the computer will do stuff like you are telling me when both IDE devices are set to the same. Since the DVD is first on the cable, the PC will think that is there, but since both are setup as master, both try and control the IDE channel and get confused.

there should be a long thin cable that is about 2 inches wide. That is your IDE cable
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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I set the burner to slave, the dvd drive does read now, but the Cd Burner Drive will not install, When installing the burner with the cd, a message pops up in the middle of everything and says
"Cannot find"/file:DManualenindex.htm. Make sure the path or internet address is correct"? It trys to sign online once you enter the Users guide CD? Is this users guide cd what I need to install it, or does it come pre installed or something?

I am using Nero Burner 5.5

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I am using Windows XP PRO

What, no Linux, Unix, Mac, BSD, ect comments? What is this world coming too?

Well, I guess I'll have to add:

Windows 2000, period. Problem solved. ;)
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I started it n I'll finish it

I wouldn't worry about the error message you get when you install. It's looking for the manual page on the internet and it's either not there or you're not online...

Nero MIGHT not support your burner. For example, I have an HP scsi burner that wasn't supported by either Nero or Adaptec (course I didn't want to upgrade to the newest version either)

Try using XP's built in cd recording software. See if that works
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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I'm assuming that they're both on the same IDE channel/cable? I'm also assuming that the DVD is the first on the cable.

take a look at the jumpers make sure that they are either

both on CS (cable select)
One as master and the other as slave

If that doesn't work,

unplug the DVD and fire her up. Does the Burner show now?

be sure you have one master, one slave. cs is not really applicable these days.

if the burner is alone on the secondary, be sure secondary ide is enabled in bios

also, notice whether the dvd drive is master or slave, remove it, jumper new cd drive to whatever the dvd was ,plug cd drive in and see if it works.

if that fails, take it back to fry's for a refund. lol.
namaste, motherfucker.

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I have actually been battling this for about a week myself and here is what I did to solve the problem

Set my Promary HD as the master on IDE 1 and set my NEW DVD drive as the salve on that IDE channel. Booted my PC into the desktop (WinXP) and made sure all was detected.

Then added the old burner ( an TDK 56x ) as the primary on the 2nd IDE channel and the second HD as the slave on that as well.

Now when I booted up everything was working.

On a further note, when you have a DVD burner and CD burner installed on WinXP which ever one you used last will become the default formatt.

To correct this problem you will have to toggle between the drivers used for the cd burner and DVD burner. You can also work around this by NOT installing any 3rd party crap software that comes on those installation disks.

If you need any help PM me and I'll do what I can.

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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