
was my post deleted?

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Interesting co-incidence that I JUST received a notification that somebody had replied to one of my posts in another thread, yet when I go to click the link to lead me to it I get:


Greenies sure are hard at work here lately! ;)
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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I've been entirely DELETED here twice. ...Just "FYI"

A thread I started was deleted once. Not just moved into the place where bad posts go nowadays, but completely deleted. I was green at the time. The moderator of the forum the thread was in felt it was inappropriate. His forum, his decision.

I was a bit upset, but I didn't post about being upset and I got over it. It's only words after all... I try not to be all that attached to mine.

We can't please everyone, and y'know what? We aren't going to try. Each of us moderates the forums we are assigned in the best way we can. If you don't agree with what we're doing, there's nothing and no one forcing you to read or post here.

In the words of the Head Honcho - "This ain't no damn democracy."

Re: "punishing" the offenders -
Here's some interesting info... this is as of right now

Posts in the last hour 153
Posts in the last 6 hours 1008
Posts in the last day 2330
Posts in the last week 11244
Posts in the last month 51114

Remember that each of us greenies have lives beyond dropzone.com (well, most of us do anyway ;)). It's nearly impossible for any of us to read every post that is made. Much of the time we have to rely on you to notify us when something crosses the line.

That's all. Back to your regularly scheduled post whoring.

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Just because I called you old once, that's all.
Glad YOU'RE not a greenie! ...I'd of been toast, a long time ago!! ;)

Hey, BTW ...Looks like I'm headin' west October 17-22. Will be primarily in the SD area. ...You gonna make good on your "threat" and maybe jump w/me while there??

Let's take it to the skies. ...That's what I say!
Let me know if you think you are able & we can maybe take it to PM.

Blue skies my OLD bud,
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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was a bit upset, but I didn't post about being upset and I got over it. It's only words after all... I try not to be all that attached to mine.

Oh, same here... ...and I wasn't posting that I was (or am) upset. Didn't at the time either. I agree completely. Hey, if you aren't willing to accept the rules (and therefore potential ramifications) of the forums (at you greenies full and sole discretion), don't post in the 1st place, right? No one says you HAVE TO -absolutely.

I just put that out there as just an "FYI" is all.
I do think that it is important to note that post DELETIONS are NOT always resultant of just something entirely inappropriate or inflamatory. Sometimes it really can be just a discretionary thing, as seen as being best at the time, and at the sole reasoning (again discretion) of the moderator too!

Long since accepted & moved-on over! :)
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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