
was my post deleted?

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I'm sorry I had to send it to the trash bin (and yes, that is an option we've used for quite awhile) because your original post was indeed very sad and is an important issue for all of us.

thats ok, i'm not mad and i know your intentions were good.
i just ask that you find a way to target the offenders themselves.

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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Could "no racist remarks" be added to the forum rules, or does that require a 2/3's vote from the greenies and HH's final signature?

i think this would fall into the "no personal attacks" rule!?!? ;)
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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Ahhh... Suicide Bombers. You've just gotta love the ultimate Darwinist expression of their faith:ph34r:.


PS. I had not one, but two (count them, TWO) hard drive failures this year. I'm now off to try & find something I wrote a while back about "potential suicide bombers complaining about the quality of the virgins they got in heaven." It's probably worth posting hereB|.

Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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i just ask that you find a way to target the offenders themselves.

we ask that you find a way to target the offenders themselves.

I'm not a TB moderator.... so take this as my opinion only.

I would rather have the post just locked. Nothing erased. To me, there is great value in seing who said what.

I dont get agree with every one's opinions on here. Heck, I've have pretty good online scraps before and it got ugly sometimes. But even with those member of our comunities, I wouldnt mind doing a jump with if the occasion presented itself. I probably wouldnt fly cross country ffor that jump, but if we meet, why not.

Now, I can garrantee you that if I come to meet one of the very rare memberd of our community that constantly show their bigotery and racism, I would take myself off a load befroe sharing a jump with them.

And I would relish the fact that their posts are kept alive, but locked, so that the whole community know what kind of human beings they are. Unfortunately, this takes lots of work on the moderator's parts and, considering the very minimal wage we're on, I understand when a thread gets file 13ed.

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***i just ask that you find a way to target the offenders themselves.

we ask that you find a way to target the offenders themselves.

I 3rd that!! I think banning should be much more popular.

And as others have said... though the offensive material was terribly offensive, it is good to have a referance as to who exactly the offenders are.[:/]

Ori, I'm sorry your post was deleted. There are more than a few of us that took it to heart. It's too bad when a few ruin it for the majority.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I'm sorry I had to send it to the trash bin

Oh please do not apologize. You Skymama, are doing a fine job and not to feel sorry about. In addition you inject some pertinent dialogue and humorous notes that gives me the idea you actually read and comprehend the entire post. I like Quade too and that Billon dude, HooknSwoop or whatever his name is;), and some others.

*Note that I do not know of this deleted thread mentioned here in this thread.

I feel like there is a time whereby some threads need to be removed for various reasons. In some instances a warning a posted is great to remind us of posts approaching the line of the rule breaking.


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What if I was talking about a fag ... what did I just say?

Ooh! I know! You're talking about a cigarette!

And I just quit smoking... again...

How do you know? What if I was talking about a homosexual?
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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What if I was talking about a fag ... what did I just say?

Ooh! I know! You're talking about a cigarette!

And I just quit smoking... again...

How do you know? What if I was talking about a homosexual?

Then I hope you were doing it good-naturedly.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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What if I was talking about a fag ... what did I just say?

Ooh! I know! You're talking about a cigarette!

And I just quit smoking... again...

How do you know? What if I was talking about a homosexual?

Then I hope you were doing it good-naturedly.

That's exactly my point from my original post. If one doesn't fully understand the context of what words may mean, then what is offensive is purely subjective, and what is perceived to be racist is also subjective. That being said, and going to my original question, where are lines drawn?
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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where are lines drawn? ***

Well when i did them it was on a mirror

Yeah, me too until 10 years ago... :P
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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That's exactly my point from my original post. If one doesn't fully understand the context of what words may mean, then what is offensive is purely subjective, and what is perceived to be racist is also subjective. That being said, and going to my original question, where are lines drawn?

I think it's a case-by-case thing. If you know the person you're responding to, and it's understood between you that it's all in fun, then cool.

However, on a public forum, I think you should assume that someone is gonna take what you say very seriously and in the worst possible way and proceed accordingly.

Either pull on your flame-proof undies, disclaimer what you said to rule out misinterpretation (yeah right, good luck), or don't say anything.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Gawain... I'm no part of anyone that was being discussed on the deleted thread. But I did see it & being part of decent humanity -

What you're talking about & the "international tread" type humor should be taken in stride, realize it for it's non-pc funnyness. This was not an example of humor, in the slightest. The remarks deserved to be deleted, I just wish I could remember who the offenders were so I could follow their other posts & develop a complete opnion of them.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I would rather have the post just locked. Nothing erased. To me, there is great value in seing who said what.

And I would relish the fact that their posts are kept alive, but locked, so that the whole community know what kind of human beings they are. Unfortunately, this takes lots of work on the moderator's parts and, considering the very minimal wage we're on, I understand when a thread gets file 13ed.


First I apologise if I quote you above out of context. I trust that the spirit of your post is there.

I believe that words, once uttered, are perhaps "akin to toothpaste". Once out of the tube, they don't go back in

As such, and as an avid reader of E.A.Blair I am frankly scared of words being deleted - as if they never existed. If the sedition can't be expressed, then it can't be formulated.

It is entirely possible that I would violently disagree with the content of these deleted threads. It is very likely that I'd simply take the pi$$ out of the sentiments expressed in those threads.

Regardless... I plead The First by proxy.... The right to know how who has exercised thieir "right of free speech". Thus I can exercise my own "First". By rite of my admitedly sharp tongue if neccessary.

I understand the desirability of locking a thread where the posts become self-destructive, but the deletion of a thread seems like the thin end of a wedge, reminiscent of "Farenheit 451" - the temperature that paper burns...:(



Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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i think i said in the thread in question and has most likely been said above but....

there is value in refuting thoughless and offensive posts. the vast majority of our community is forward thinking and do a fine job of showing it, especially in response to 14th century knuckledraggin mouthbreathing throwbacks. it might be heartening for our international siblings to see that. and i am sure it is nothing they havent heard before.

that said, i know better than to argue with a green meenie, so never mind.
namaste, motherfucker.

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i got one of my replys removed once so what i learned is that sometimes its best for ME to keep my mouth shut.it was also in the gender only forum so being a male i guess i over stepped my boundaries.still believe in what i said though.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough

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there is value in refuting thoughless and offensive posts. the vast majority of our community is forward thinking and do a fine job of showing it, especially in response to 14th century knuckledraggin mouthbreathing throwbacks. it might be heartening for our international siblings to see that. and i am sure it is nothing they havent heard before.

well I think everyone needs to get some self esteem!
A lot of this P.C. stuff is just as bad as what they are trying to fight. At work we nearly have a riot over a knot in a rope. It happened to be a hangmans knot and a black went on a rampage. Get a life I say. However it's your forum so run it as you will.


that said, i know better than to argue with a green meenie, so never mind.

yep I agree

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