
What You Think You Know About Sept. 11 … but don't.

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I'm a news junkie, so none of that was a surprise to me.

The tone of the piece is just kind of anti-administration. Which is fine. I think folks are anticipating GWB getting a polls bump as we get to the anniversary, and I don't think the recent increase in publications about the doubts regarding the attack/response is accidental. Lots of the folks who dislike the president dislike him with almost a rage. I think this is intended to keep "the frat boy's" numbers down.

It's valid, it just seems kind of shrill.

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If anything I think it's media bashing for doing such a crappy job at informing the masses.

I'm not saying it's the media's fault that people don't pay attention to stuff, just look at a "Jay Walking" segment on the Leno show and you'll find out just how uninformed some people can be, but rather that once the media get's hold of a notion, they sometimes get really lazy about follow-up to make sure ideas are current and accurate. Because of this, they continue to spout the same thing over and over, even if it's not true -- simply "common knowledge".
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I agree with all of that, but like the sources you cited in the other thread, about the response under the Gore administration, those sources are quite shrill.

I guess that's how readers need to be hooked in, not just with objective facts.

There's plenty of shrill stuff about Gore and Clinton too, it's not just one-way, but in either case it's not just the facts.

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I'd like to see this guys proofs. His statements seem to suffer from the same problem he attributes to the government's story..............a lack of evidence.

your logic is faulty at best.

'the guy' is a reporter using verifed sources in almost all of his assertions. try those little blue underlined things or allah forbid, a search engine.

the real problem is that the gubment feels that any means justifies the end, especially when they arent quite sure what the end is.
namaste, motherfucker.

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'the guy' is a reporter using verifed sources in almost all of his assertions. try those little blue underlined things or allah forbid, a search engine.

One "source" making an accusation is weak evidence at best. I can get any answer you want by using a "search engine". How about you try to post without being a complete SMARTASS!!


your logic is faulty at best.

Can you explain what logic I am using that is faulty?

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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you said you wanted to see sources. the sources are listed. it's either faulty logic or a desire to troll. now if you checked out the sources and refuted them, we might not be having this discussion.
namaste, motherfucker.

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I know that nearly 3,000 people from more than 60 countries were killed, in an unprovoked attack on US soil.

I know that the underlying causes is really inconsequential in the grand scheme.

I know that over the past two years, those that have been most vocal in objecting to the course of action we have taken, have offered no alternatives.

I know that all of these events cannot be undone.

I know we have not been directly attacked since.

I know I lost at least one good friend that day.

I know I don't give a flying f**k what Gerald Posner thinks he's found (Posner's references are ambiguous at best).

Posner is an old hand at revisiting conspiracy theories. He wrote controversial assessments dismissing those surrounding the J.F.K. and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations. And the Berkeley-educated lawyer is adept at marshaling an unwieldy mass of information—most of his sources are other books and news stories quote from bio in time-mag article

You're right, there's no f**king agenda there. A Berkley educated lawyer? Where was his book after WTC 93, the Embassies and Kohbe towers? Whatever.

I know that Mr. Quade cannot stand the fact that those making the decisions are not politically aligned with his views.

I know that to me, and regardless of political views, the more we find out over time, the less we truly know.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
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I know that Mr. Quade cannot stand the fact that those making the decisions are not politically aligned with his views.

I guess you missed the part where I was mostly blaming the media for people not knowing most of the facts.

Hey, I had no intention of bringing up this thread as Bush bashing -- I was actually media bashing in this case. Something I rarely do for uh, (I guess) not quite obvious reasons. ;)

You're going to have to stop assuming my actions. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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One "source" making an accusation is weak evidence at best. I can get any answer you want by using a "search engine". How about you try to post without being a complete SMARTASS!!

You mean, "Where's your evidence that there's no evidence?"

That's not how it works. To prove your theory, you need evidence. Plotz's point is that there isn't enough evidence to prove any of these theories. He also admits that there isn't evidence to disprove them either. I think one point he is trying to make is "Don't confuse theory with fact."

That first bit is my reply to your post. What follows are just some random thoughts for anybody interested.

Here's some "evidence" of point #6. Go read Tom Clancy's "Debt of Honor" (or even just the last few chapters). Yes, it's fiction, but it does point out how easy it could be to pull something like this. That could have been taken as a warning. The German who flew the Cessna through the Soviet air defenses and landed it in the Kremlin was another warning, and part of the reason the Secret Service has Stinger missiles.

You want to improve the odds of success? Redundancy. It's a basic concept of any kind of attack. Military leaders are taught you want at least 3:1 in your favour before attacking. 3 out of 4 in this case hit valuable targets.

If they had only taken one plane, say Flight 93, the world would be very different. If that flight had progressed as it did and been the only flight taken, we would not have taken it as seriously. It would have been just another hijacking or plane crash.

If flight 93 was the only flight taken, the people on board might not have found out (via air phone) what was happening, the Air Force might not have had a heads-up, and that flight might have found it's target. (Go read "Debt of Honor" again. Yes, it's fiction, but look at the target.)

Just a few musings. Take it or leave it.


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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As I see it this mostly says that the current administration is blowing hot air in order to: a) make people feel safer, and b) promote itself. Moussaoui should be punished, how the hijackers seized the planes is really irrelevant because there are plenty of security holes for them to utilize next time, the reason why the US is now in Iraq is JFK-ian freedom-bringing and not because Iraq had anything to do with, well, anything, protecting against simple biological attacks is important anyway, noone gives a damn who profited from what, and we already know someone in the rather prolific intelligence agencies fucked up royally.

While it's an interesting read, I don't find it particularly enlightening.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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I know that Mr. Quade cannot stand the fact that those making the decisions are not politically aligned with his views.

I guess you missed the part where I was mostly blaming the media for people not knowing most of the facts.

Hey, I had no intention of bringing up this thread as Bush bashing -- I was actually media bashing in this case. Something I rarely do for uh, (I guess) not quite obvious reasons. ;) --- Oh believe me, I understand, you don't want to bite the hand that keeps you jumping. :P

You're going to have to stop assuming my actions. ;)

No assumption meant. ;) It's hardly a secret or issue in my opinion. Besides, you didn't deny my point anyway. :P

I'm not saying it's the media's fault that people don't pay attention to stuff, just look at a "Jay Walking" segment on the Leno show and you'll find out just how uninformed some people can be, but rather that once the media get's hold of a notion, they sometimes get really lazy about follow-up to make sure ideas are current and accurate. Because of this, they continue to spout the same thing over and over, even if it's not true -- simply "common knowledge".

Even this "bashing" is a bit on the soft side. Come on, we don't even need to pick an issue as big as 9/11, just look at the coverage (or lack thereof) of whats happening in California alone. People are going out of their way to stay up to speed on what's going on, but it's still not enough, and the media is too self-absorbed and far too biased (left or right) to earn its keep. Events since 9/11 too are further proof of that. Keeping up with Fox, CNN, BBC, ArabNews isn't enough for me, but there really isn't anywhere else to go.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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How many of can honestly say you did not know this type of crap was happening all along? I'm sure a lot more people have "died mysteriously" before and after 9/11. And we are not to innocent ourselves when it comes to aiding bin Laden

What kind of things have we been doing to prevent this type of thing for this long? Do you really know? There is so much behind the scenes, covert crap, and mind boggling deceptions going on that thinking that this one guy knows it is crazy... he just has a tiny piece of it.

The info that was leaked to him (about the confessions), was probably leaked to him on purpose to pressure the Saudi Government. If it was not intended to be leaked, the guys that leaked it are probably already dead.

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you said you wanted to see sources.

I said nothing about sources. I said I wanted to see his proofs. I was referring to evidence not sources. I have lots of sources in my job. A lot of what they say is incorrect. Well intentioned but incorrect. I have to produce evidence to corroborate what they say. I expect the same from others. Especially someone making as large of accusations as this guy.


now if you checked out the sources and refuted them, we might not be having this discussion.

I think if you would have read my post and not jumped to faulty conclusions we wouldn't be having this discussion.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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You mean, "Where's your evidence that there's no evidence?"

No, I mean where is his evidence to prove this:


The Saudi government paid off al-Qaida in exchange for immunity from terror attacks. Saudi princes knew in advance about the Sept. 11 attacks. Most of the Saudi officials who assisted al-Qaida all died mysteriously soon thereafter.


I think one point he is trying to make is "Don't confuse theory with fact."

Maybe a small point. His biggest point seems to be "I'm against the current US administration".

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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His biggest point seems to be "I'm against the current US administration".

And what is wrong with that point?

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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