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juanesky 0
If you just want to believe what you are told, then fine. Franco was helped by Hitler first. Do you understand this?
I can confirm every bit of information by my own family. 1936 when the spanish civil war started, Hitler was helping Franco in establishing a fascist state, it was a playground for him to see how tactics and armament devoloped would help him. He never inferred in governing Spain.
As far as I have seen no history book has ever made any assumption on the conquer of Spain by Hitler. What unified them and made them strong was their embracing of fascism, and their willingness to help one another to conquer the world. I don’t also hear the fact that Japan was ever ruled, it was nicknamed the axis, of 3 nations, not one as you are trying to imply.
Edit to finish.and correct helper-helped
When I saw those numbers come out all I could think of was % of GDP/GNP. As crazy as $86 billion sounds... it is quite a small number. Our deficit is going to be 500 billion....ooowwww. Not a very big number my friends.
If it were divided evenly thought the entire population of the US, that is roughly $1500. Now, we know the poor won't pay that, and the rich pay a bit more in tax. That is an easily achieved goal...
Our deficite is not the problem as someone hinted toward before. Provided there are no more major attacks in the US, the economy will grow (hopefully not as fast as in the 90's) and we will have a surplus by then.
Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
SkyDekker 1,465
QuoteI can confirm every bit of information by my own family. 1936 when the spanish civil war started, Hitler was helping Franco in establishing a fascist state, it was a playground for him to see how tactics and armament devoloped would help him. He never inferred in governing Spain.
In my view you can't claim both those issues in the same paragraph. Hitler helped Franco to a large degree. The same goes for Mussolini in Italy. Franco and Mussolini alligned themselves with Hitler, because they knew they could not fight him.
I'll ask again, what do you think would have happened if Franco or Mussolini had told Hitler to go fuck himself?
If you want to call that sovereign, then go right ahead. To me it is not, they did not have a choice. They never let it come to that point, they were Hitler's allies and have come of pretty squeeky clean don't you think?
chachi 0
juanesky 0
QuoteQuoteI can confirm every bit of information by my own family. 1936 when the spanish civil war started, Hitler was helping Franco in establishing a fascist state, it was a playground for him to see how tactics and armament devoloped would help him. He never inferred in governing Spain.
In my view you can't claim both those issues in the same paragraph. Hitler helped Franco to a large degree. The same goes for Mussolini in Italy. Franco and Mussolini alligned themselves with Hitler, because they knew they could not fight him.
Again, you maybe need glasses, bottom line is they remained independent. THere is no history book in the whole world war 2 that even conveys your assumption of events. Do you understand the fact that all the axis were Italy, Japan, and Germany? I never saw Spain involved in either world war 2 or germany involved in Spain as it was in France nor switzerland. Well, maybe you can explain your conspirancies theories about yes, Spain was scared, and so on, the fact still remains the same, they helped Franco to power, and Franco in return asked in his armed forces who wanted to volunteer for Hitler's cause. Or you are trying to tell me that now, Germany occupied and conquered Spain and Portugal? Well, lets review the whole history then.Quote
I'll ask again, what do you think would have happened if Franco or Mussolini had told Hitler to go fuck himself?
No, Franco did his deal, and send who ever volunteer to help Hitler. this is fact, and actually what happened. The if's and whats are merre speculations. Stick to what happened in reality please.
Mussolini was in fact (again the redundancy) part of the axis. Should we elaborate more on this? if Mussolini remained in power too long was because Hitler helped him to remain in power, Italy was never a power sort of speak in the big scenario during WWII.Quote
If you want to call that sovereign, then go right ahead. To me it is not, they did not have a choice. They never let it come to that point, they were Hitler's allies and have come of pretty squeeky clean don't you think?
Well, it is all about politics, the alliances and break up of them, the so called necessary evils, deemed so, at the time, but in fact you are still way off the point herre, and a history class should not have been a motive for you to still deny the fact that pro-peace people have not provided a single viable alternative to the current war on terror. Nice try, but hey, gotta go trainning for towel head season....Nice talking to u...
And blue skies
Quotefact that pro-peace people have not provided a single viable alternative to the current war on terror.
How about concentrating on Al Queda, finishing the job in Afghanistan, and increasing security without shifting power from the judicial branch to the executive branch and trampling constitutional rights?
juanesky 0
QuoteWe are talking $100 billion dollar swing in 3 years. That is not significant?
No, it is not. Nationally the US (last available figure I could get hold of is 10.4 trillion.
.1 trillion is 100 billion. Small Change amount. (drop it off in the little tray at your local conv. store.)

You don't have to measure it in dollar amounts, it should be done by percentage.
juanesky 0
QuoteQuotefact that pro-peace people have not provided a single viable alternative to the current war on terror.
QuoteHow about concentrating on Al Queda, finishing the job in Afghanistan, and increasing security without shifting power from the judicial branch to the executive branch and trampling constitutional rights?
Thanks Kevin, but it is my opinion, that these same people expect this to happen while we sit down? Last I knew about Al-qaeda or whatever is called is spread in the whole world. It is unfortunate that these people are not PW otherwise they should have been able to be tracked down a lot more easier.
They are still working in Afghanistan, and Iraq as we speak, but hell nowadays wars that last over 1 week are way too problematic, and rebuilding an entire nation, they expect that to happen within days. Aren't these people asking for too much in so little time? Given the fact that Saddam had 12 years to make up his mind, and do what he agreed upon, it seems fair to give the US the same amount of time to rebuild these 2 places.
Or maybe we should just go to Oz and ask the wizard?

Hey, but don't worry, it has not killed anyone directly yet right?

Blue ones pal.
QuoteShould it be offensive that I think you are a little bit dilussional from pot?
Hey, but don't worry, it has not killed anyone directly yet right?
Not offensive, petty is more the word. First of all, you're continuously slandering me with that comment. Let me explain something to you. Circular reasoning seems to be all the rage for you guys. Because I think it is a waste of tax payer money to criminalize marijuana does not mean that I use it.
But feel free to continue your ad-hominum attacks (look it up) based on statements from another thread, that you've now dragged into 2 others. It shows your true character.
juanesky 0
QuoteNot offensive, petty is more the word. First of all, you're continuously slandering me with that comment. Let me explain something to you. Circular reasoning seems to be all the rage for you guys. Because I think it is a waste of tax payer money to criminalize marijuana does not mean that I use it.
I would say your response is rather short and way off the point, makes the assumption that you like drugs and condone its use.
Stay with the facts, just say no to drugs. I don't think is a waste of money to enforce current legislation, neither to drink and driving either and all the efforts by law enforcement WORLDWIDE to ban the drug trade.
QuoteBut feel free to continue your ad-hominum attacks (look it up) based on statements from another thread, that you've now dragged into 2 others. It shows your true character.
And shows yours too.
I seriously think that pot smoking has made you somewhat delusional. I don't like drugs, never have and never will. I am glad that if I stick with one subject at the time, lets say war on terror, I will act accordingly. I am persistant on this and not mere talk, and will not give myself gratifying comments about superior intellect. That is my character, and glad I have it.
I care for my fellow men, and think the way we are going is no short to a world conflict. All the fingers point guilt towards the US, and Bush as the duo responsible of all the world problems, and forgotten history as it happened.
Honestly, I just wish we could find this Al-qaeda in just one place, it will not happen though, and I consider not only them, but also the radical hammas and jihad a problem as well. You should see an interesting documentary made by the NY times reporter, about what is the muslim world thought of us, the only thing they can talk about is that they have lost dignity, (about 1000 years ago), yet they dream to come to America and live here. What will it take to satisfy these radicals, who are currently poisoning their own youth with suicide rituals, and radical preaching while on mass? It is easy to wash a kid's brain, look what happened in and advanced culture as germany in the 20's, 30's and 40's.
The answer for the above, is total destruction of the world as we know it. They have proven that not only they are intolerant to other religions, but their willingness to execute people for their religous beliefs, and use any means to fulfill the ideals of one big muslim world.
I will fight them and kill them any time, any day I have the chance to, and I am definitely getting this chance soon.
It is not about propaganda liberal or non liberal, the US is free, you can read what you want, go wherever you want, have what ever religion you want, do whatever is not illegal, for you to do, for you to get the education you want, the opinions you want, but if you are blind by natural occurrences, then you should rely more on your hearing.
If you complain, then vote, if you don't win, then don't go imposing half truths to get to your goals, you had a chance to vote and make your voice count, that is democracy. It is not perfect but the best in the world. So anything that you may say about oligharchy, religion, and anything else, I find it hard to believe that you don't see the American dream, you just need to work hard, but is always a gamble, not the same applies in most of the world though. I can atest to that.
QuoteI seriously think that pot smoking has made you somewhat delusional. I don't like drugs, never have and never will. I am glad that if I stick with one subject at the time, lets say war on terror, I will act accordingly.
Than try sticking to the subject instead of bringing up your slanderous, irrelevant assumptions about me. You're the one that brought up drugs here, and in another thread, in an effort to discredit me. That's an ad-hominem attack, and as any lesson in debating will tell you, is the weakest form of debate.
QuoteIt is not about propaganda liberal or non liberal, the US is free, you can read what you want, go wherever you want, have what ever religion you want, do whatever is not illegal, for you to do,
Slander is illegal, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stick to the topics and stop doing that.
As to the rest of your post, I have no idea what you're trying to say. It makes no sense, jumps from topic to topic, has no conclusions, is spelled poorly, with rampant gramatical errors. If I didn't know better, I'd say whoever typed it was stoned out of their gourde.
juanesky 0
QuoteThan try sticking to the subject instead of bringing up your slanderous, irrelevant assumptions about me. You're the one that brought up drugs here, and in another thread, in an effort to discredit me. That's an ad-hominem attack, and as any lesson in debating will tell you, is the weakest form of debate.
Well, you think that this is all is about you? It is defined by the fact that you don't want any opposition to enforce current drug laws. Does this mean that any time I will mention pot in anywhere on these forums, you will be offended? Well, that really leaves me witha reasonable presumption that you do in fact smoke it, or condone it, it is not invented nor fallacious as you are trying it to portray it.
QuoteIt is not about propaganda liberal or non liberal, the US is free, you can read what you want, go wherever you want, have what ever religion you want, do whatever is not illegal, for you to do,
Slander is illegal, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stick to the topics and stop doing that.
Again, if I say Illegal, you are being offended. So how many words will I not be able to use, before you imply I am committing and ad-hominem attack and slandering you? You are the one that should stick to the point, I am convinced that you somehow are in close contact with cannabis. It may offend you or not, my point is that I rather be on the side of the law, and hence without that handicap you are free to do as you feel in this great nation.
You're making no sense.
And what do you think would have happened if Franbco told Hitler to go fuck himself? Sovereign my ass, Franco did as he was told. Same goes for Italy and Mussolini.
Dude, you get your information from a website with some animated maps? Franco and Mussolini were Hitler's puppets, that is why they were allowed to stay in power and not invaded.
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