
Lover or Fighter?

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both... if you don't fight for what you love then you are bound to lose it and if you don't love for what you fight, what's the point?

See, I was right...either niether or both...
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I wouldn't mind being a lover. But it takes so much effort to make it happen. I keep meaning to go out and get it, but I just can't find the motivation.

I wouldn't mind kicking some ass either. But it takes so much effort. You have to go out of your way to walk up and clock someone. That takes alot of energy.

I'd rather just drink a 12 pack. Pabst is only $5.99 at the corner store, which is very convenient to stop at on the way home from work. My cat loves tuna.

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I'm a lover. With my soon-to-be fiancee, I do all that cuddly stuff and things. Kinda happens when one is truly ga-ga.

I'm also a fighter. I've got a spine, and there is some stuff I simply do not tolerate. I haven't been in a fight in a couple of years.

On top of that, I'm well paid to fight for people. ;)

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Which one are you and why????

Me....Lover! Not much on being mad and hating or fighting!

It's easier to love than to hate!;) A Very special Hottie enlighten me about love and hate .

Juust wondering!

Fighter. Once the environment is safe for my loved ones, pure lover.

And you can be a fighter without being mad and hating. Heck, you can wade through a riot humming "whistle while you work", while dropping fools for the zip-tie squad to collect. Being a fighter doesn't mean a person is angry, hating, or even perturbed. Just making things right for the loved ones to show up later with a pic-a-nic basket.

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Heck, you can wade through a riot humming "whistle while you work", while dropping fools for the zip-tie squad to collect.

Dude, you are so cool.

I mean like Clint Eastwood cool.

Can I tell people I know you?

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Heck, you can wade through a riot humming "whistle while you work", while dropping fools for the zip-tie squad to collect.

Dude, you are so cool.

I mean like Clint Eastwood cool.

Can I tell people I know you?


Did you see his pic in that suit today? The dude is straight out of "The Sopranos"... B|;)B|:o
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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those whove seen my webpage /lyrics will know the answer.

but God help you if you cross me! LOL
I will let ppl be themselves etc etc but I will give the warnings when to BTFU (it take alot for me to get pissed off at someone):D

if you cross or hurt someone I love....its over:ph34r:
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Which one are you and why????

Me....Lover! Not much on being mad and hating or fighting!

It's easier to love than to hate!;) A Very special Hottie enlighten me about love and hate .

Juust wondering!

Fighter. Once the environment is safe for my loved ones, pure lover.

And you can be a fighter without being mad and hating. Heck, you can wade through a riot humming "whistle while you work", while dropping fools for the zip-tie squad to collect. Being a fighter doesn't mean a person is angry, hating, or even perturbed. Just making things right for the loved ones to show up later with a pic-a-nic basket.

I would say that just about covers it.B|B|
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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