
I CAN NOT handle this, NS for anyone, Dogs consumed, sign petition.

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Apparently Great Danes are on the top of the list, Mastiff, labs, dalmations and etc...

I got this off the Great Dane forum. There was a warning and it told me how to skip the pictures and get straight to the petition.

I personally had to skip the photos and went straight to the bottom and clicked INDEX.

Then, I skipped everthing on that page except PETITION -

Again, I did not read or see anything other than the petition. I just could not. I did not even let it load.

I know this is normal in foreign counties, but cant I send 80 cents a day to stop this.?


Thank you many times,
Skeet, FleaFlyer, Olav, Ginger, Radar, and Rocket


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Leave China alone. That is their way. It is none of our business. If we had to feed a gazillion billion people, we would eat dogs too. Different cultures, different ways. Let it be.

Dogs are meat to them. Cows are sacred to other cultures, but you don't see them sticking their noses in our business....

What would Vic Mackey do?

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Thank you for your input. I respect your perspective.

I dont know anything about China, I feel like they have limited space and a large population. I can not fault that. Anyway, I didnt mention China. Nor did I read anything but sign the petition.

You can certainly have your vocal opinion in anyway shape or form.

It is very clear that I have offened you and I understand that.


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Leave China alone. That is their way. It is none of our business. If we had to feed a gazillion billion people, we would eat dogs too. Different cultures, different ways. Let it be.

Dogs are meat to them. Cows are sacred to other cultures, but you don't see them sticking their noses in our business....

i have to agree with you, and i am a dog lover. Yes its personally disgusting but this is none of our buisness.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I know this is normal in foreign counties, but cant I send 80 cents a day to stop this.?

To be fair, how would you feel if someone from a foreign country sent his 80 cents here to stop you eating meat arguing that cows are 'sacred'? (or any other thing). If that happens in a foreign country and it's their custom, it's very little a petition can do, I'd say, save your money.
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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but dogs and cows just aren't the same. I

Yes they absolutely are. The major difference, cows don't have cute fluffy tails, otherwise they're just meat. Yummy yummy meat.

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To be fair, how would you feel if someone from a foreign country sent his 80 cents here to stop you eating meat arguing that cows are 'sacred'?

Ivan- To be honest with you and those who read this, I dont know the answer to that, as I never thought about it.

Again, I appreciate your perspective.

Now that I am thinking about it, I would respect the sacred idea of the cow or anyones beliefs no matter what they are.

To answer your question as best I can, I would return the 80 cents and a note of thanks and likely eat a vegetarian diet. Which I dont think is a bad idea.


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Ever wonder why the dogs and cats seem to disappear around the neighborhood of your local chinese restaurant?.....You may have tried either and not know it....Tastes like chicken right?

FYI, I've had cats and dogs...love them both.

It's ok to luv your pets....just don't LUUUUUV your pets.

Huh?!? What cloud?!? Oh that!!! That's just Industrial Haze
Alex M.

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I admit that it is disgusting, but I also don't think it is any of our business. They are not affecting us by doing this and it is not a human rights violation so we should not try and impose our cultural standards on them.

E-mail A.L.F. and see if they are willing to start burning down Chinese dog farms.;)

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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Regardless of whether or not you mentioned China in the post, you are condeming them for trying to feed their people when you sign that petition.***

Not all persons in China eat meat, in addition I am not personally condeming this or any country.

But since I am condeming an entire country, then lets go ahead and condem the USA. That would be fair. ??

*How often an acre of U.S. trees disappears: Every 5 seconds.
*At present rate of deforestation, number of years before not a single tree will remain standing in the United States: 50

Or lets pick on The orange haired dude for hypocrisy.
McDonalds tells us: 75 million sold
Original actor to play Ronald McDonald: Jeff Juliano
Diet now followed by Jeff Juliano: Vegetarian

I respect your perspective, I believe that should be a sufficient statement. I dont believe I should be so flammable for my views on the subject. Consumption of Great Danes, bothers me, ummm kay. But, Poodles are ok. ;)

The idea that there are no animals around Asian restaurants is stereotypical. So do not condem all Asian eateries. Or else flames will occur. Nah, not you.

-I am just an easy target.... and EVERYONE on the entire planet hates me...>:( Oh dear I have condemed the entire planet. According to my mother this morning, she still likes me. So, the entire planet, except one.

Runaway, runaway... the I see dotcommers!
Help!! persons from the Great Dane fourm....


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*How often an acre of U.S. trees disappears: Every 5 seconds.
*At present rate of deforestation, number of years before not a single tree will remain standing in the United States: 50

Or lets pick on The orange haired dude for hypocrisy.
McDonalds tells us: 75 million sold
Original actor to play Ronald McDonald: Jeff Juliano
Diet now followed by Jeff Juliano: Vegetarian

What's your point? Really.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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Welcome to Ineffective Ethnocentricity 101.

First off, internet petitions are about the most pathetic way to change policy you could imagine. Find a sturdy brick wall. Now beat your head against it. Same difference. Who gets the petition? Who has really signed it? Who really cares what a bunch of random net surfers think?

Second, if they aren't messing with your dogs, it isn't really your problem. While we are each entitled to our own opinion, there is no global law that says everyone will get their way. Actually, everyone can't, because the world is filled with different opinions. That applies to both individuals and entire cultures.

If you insist on trying to force your standards on people that don't agree, you have to be prepared to be on the receiving end as well. If you can actually make that mental leap to where you are willing to be subject to other people's equally valid whims, then at least try to make your point in an effective way. Be factual, convincing, and target the right people with your efforts.

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What's the issue? Meat is meat. A dog life is no more important than a cow, horse, pig, chicken, or fish life. If you don't like eating dogs, Then don't eat them. If you do like eating dogs, go ahead.

Sometimes people just need to stop their feel good politics and look at how flawed their logic really is.

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