
Politic, Religion, Guns, etc... Threads

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It's getting that time of year again...
Lot's of politics in the air and the news and threads tend to drift in the direction of the latest news. Thats the great thing about "Talk Back", people tend to post what they are thinking about during the day.
As I was reading the 9/11 posts and the GWB posts and the usual hot topic threads, I started thinking about motivation some people have for starting or replying to these.
For the most part, I'm a live and let live type person. I believe in taking responsibility for what goes on around me and dealing the with consiquences of my actions or lack there of.
I'm a quiet person that for the most part will not tell you my real opinion on things unless I really know you well, so I'm usually amused at the ranting and raving that goes on. It provides entertainment at quite times in my schedule.
There have been a plethera of threads that I would love to comment on, but have learned that for the most part that comments are taken out of context more often than not and the absence of body language and inflection make it hard to "read" what a person really means.

So to sum it all up, I'm just wondering what people think about these threads and if they are being their true selves or just being polite or politically correct in the responses they give.

I would hesitate to judge anyone based what they post here, but it is very interesting to see peoples reactions to emotionally charged issues. Some people go silent and some quite ones really come out screaming.

Just my meandering and wandering thoughts for the day.

Blues Ya all B|
"You don't quit playing because you get old, you get old because you quit playing"

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Id like very much for there to be a really open discussion of all these topics and more posted here. If people were free to post their true feelings. Unfortunatly, people are are not often allowed to speak freely.
The pressures of being politically correct prevent a truly open forum. I am now 54 years old and tired of being politically correct to be accepted. I pretty much feel ive paid my dues in that regard and speak what i feel. The hell with hurting someones feelings anymore.

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I would hesitate to judge anyone based what they post here, but it is very interesting to see peoples reactions to emotionally charged issues. Some people go silent and some quite ones really come out screaming.

ahhh - finally, after a long period of major bs in the talk back forum a seriuos topic has evolved.
i've been relly pissed of by the way discussions are done in here. most of the time - especially in the politics thread - people just accuse one another of being a foolish liberal or a dumbass fan of gwb. for non-us-citizens this quickly becomes very boring especially if you try to make a point from an outside view that makes sense and nobody cares to take you into discussion or -worse - you are instantly labeled as a coward european. so i just stay out of these.

then there's the typical gun totin' redneck threads which are only enjoyed by the rednecks themselves :|
and the tittieobesessions tend also to become boring

hijacking threads can be fun but most of the time it's just a royal pain
anyway - i don't take discussions in dz.com to seriously
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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I honestly can say that what you read here are a pretty decent reflection of my opinions. When I can, I back them up with links, independent data sources, and various other documentation (i.e. verification of quotes, contextual perspectives, and so forth.)

I try to make my posts worth reading, but I also sometimes lose my temper, and sometimes those are not really worth reading.

What bothers me is the vitriolic postings - from all sides. When it deteriorates into making fun of someone, or calling names (even when it's not consdiered a "personal" attack), or shrill, rhetorical ramblings (of which I can be seen as guilty), that's when I leave a thread. I often don't post in the first few dozen posts, as I am either waiting to see where it's going to go, or I am working on a post and backing it up with something other than base emotions.

I am honest in my opinions, and according to at least one well-known .commer, I'm told I am very close in "real life" as I am on the boards. I think that's because I don't have the time or energy to be anything other than me...although Jessica thought I'd have a different sort of voice...LOL!

Interesting discussion...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Me? I can't stand any of that drivel and with people would take it to the forums specifically designed for that crap which can be found all over usenet. This is a SKYDIVING site and I wish people would treat it as such. True, Talk Back is a "free for all", but that does not mean I have to like it. I would MUCH rather people keep their political ramblings to themselves on this site or simply vent their angst on those matters in a forum more suited for their debate. Once again: this is a SKYDIVING site and I don't really care what your views are on GWB, apartheid, white slavery, or taxidermy legislation.

While some of you might say "just don't open the threads which are sure to offend your senses", I don't have that luxury. I, in my position, must read each and every post which shows up in any forum I moderate. This, just to keep the converstations and debate civil. As has been previously stated in this thread, but commonly forgotten on almost a daily basis by a large portion of the "regulars", this is a truly international forum. The owner of the site is a South African, not an American. I don't care what you think is right and wrong with the world, the second you, or some "mob quarum" gang up on someone on the other side of the world for what you percieve to be a fatal flaw in their system of beliefs, then that's when I am going to shut you down. NONE of your personal thoughts on world events is going to make you a better skydiver, therefore I think it's very likely a waste of your time if all you do on this site is post pics of boobies, ask if we think Brittany is hot, or bitch about GWB. The great majority of of people who post in Talk Back never post in the specified forums. That is an indicator to me. With all that this site has to offer, I can't believe that so many people choose to squander their time on this SKYDIVING site bitching about politics and the like. Very, very odd. Still, there are no current rules against starting most topics, so knock yourself out. Just don't get pissed when we determine that your view is too much out of line with what we deem appropriate for this international skydiving community.


Chuck Blue

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I couldn't have said it better myself Chuck. Sometimes I'm guilty of post whoring. But I visit DROPZONE.COM to talk about skydiving and to learn from world class skydivers like yourself as well as to maybe help some of the new jumpers with their questions when guys like you aren't around.

Looking forward to partying (and maybe jumping) with you and Katie in Eloy come December. ;)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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ok - here she comes. michele - the queen of words :)
from what i've read so far i know that you try to be honest and that you at least try to make your points clear. and there's nothing wrong in getting carried away. hey i mean we aint no saints!

but there have been threads that went beyond any good taste and reason, like the ones on pro-life & pro choice :( and these realy drove me out of writing or even reading the forums for some time

@amaozon: pièce touche! ;)
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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from what i've read so far i know that you try to be honest and that you at least try to make your points clear. and there's nothing wrong in getting carried away. hey i mean we aint no saints!

Thanks, Feuerg. I try to not get "all het up", but sometimes, I just lose it....;)...and it's good to know that irrespective of agreeing on opinions, they come across as honest and fairly clear. Some of the longer ones get convoluted, though...


like the ones on pro-life & pro choice [Frown] and these realy drove me out of writing or even reading the forums for some time

LOL, yes, well...as a matter of fact, me too...but not the reading or writing part. I didn't bother reading them after a while.

Chuck, I will venture to say that while I thought your opinion was well spoken, but I would also like to mention that I am NOT skilled enough to go about posting things in most forums...but I generally read everything there (well, except BASE and Wingsuit...). I find that, if I read enough, my questions are answered, and should there be a clarification I want, I will either post or pm...I will also post the occasional anecdotal experience, or note to a poster, but most often I just read and learn. Oftentimes, the thing I thought of to post was either already posted, or is contained in another post (the wonders of search!!!;)).

Now, I am pretty sure you don't necessarily mean me when you said what you said, but I know the same goes for lots of people here. Just a thought...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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