
How much are human lives worth?

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thread creep. lmmfao. what a beautiful thing.

in regards to 'da war'

dude, there is NOTHING we are going to do to change any of this. the shills are so blatant as to simply concede that bush is gonna get whatever he demands.

wishing our guys good luck (it appears there is a lottery of the unfortunate in iraq) and try to figure out who to saddle with this mess next year, i think these are our options.

in regards to the social issues.. they are good for a comparison but what are you gonna do? most are matters of choice.
namaste, motherfucker.

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You're on a tear, Philly.

OJ killed his ex-wife and a boyfriend. Odds are he'll never do it again, so why prosecute him? Better to spend the money on educating the public about anger management instead.

3000 people killed by airplanes crashing into towers? What's the odds on that happening twice? Let them be. Let's spend that money lecturing people in an effort to make them make the lifestyle choices we've made for ourselves.

It's not condescending, cause clearly you're too smart for that. The masses sure are lucky folks like you are out there capable of making their decisions for them ;):P

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Hmmm, I guess you missed this:


If you think 300billion is justified for the war on terror this year. Fine. If you think it's immoral to educate people about the risks of aids and diabetes and smoking. Fine.

Hopefully people will at least take a look at what the powers at be use your money for. Make sure they are accountable and are using it for you believe is the justified. That's the point I was trying to make. But I guess it's easier to attack what I think is justified expenditure than to make sure your elected officials are using the money as you see fit.

The point is I don't want anyone letting anyone else make the decision for them. And it seems way too many people are just accepting everything that they're told by some guy because of his job title.

If you've done your own research and come to the conclusion that the effort being made in the war on terror is the right thing to do, I respect that. If you think that it is the right thing to do because Bush says so, then you're a sheep.

I never said stop the war on terror. But some things that are going on are:
borderline if not overtly unconstitutional

I'll bet elliminating some of these items would bring down that 300billion price tag.

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My man, I do think the war on terror is justified. I am happy with the way it is being waged. I know it is more expensive to deploy soldiers, rather than cruise missiles and no-fly zones, but when the locals meet the Americans, they make a positive impression. They change cultural perception. When a person who's been brought up to think that American Soldiers are going to rape and torture them finally meets one of our soldiers, all that indoctrination fails. Our people are the product of the best civilization in history. When the Iraqis and Afghanis meet them they are impressed. When they choose to fight them, they die. Lots of those folks thought we were soft and weak and expected us to cry in our beer when they attacked New York. Imagine their surprise when we came a calling. The prospective martyrs know better, now, and recruiting is getting tough.

I think the education efforts regarding harmful personal habits are just silly. I posted and deleted a couple responses, cause you are a skilled semanticist and I don't want to get in a back and forth with you. You and BillVon are really masters.

Ice cream every day with a slurpee will result in a lot of folks getting diabetes when they're older. They'll also be fatter and generally less healthy. Do you really think a large swath of our culture doesn't know that and needs to be told?

Anyhow, if we didn't wage the war, or did it more cheaply, maybe we could just leave the money in the bank.

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Both died in car accidents. Marijuana impaired their judgement - end of story. I know stupidity played a large part, but the fact remains, if they had not been smoking the weed - they would not have died at that time. I guess most of the fault could be with the rest of us there that let the idiots get into the vehicle and leave - but then, hind sight is always 20/20.

nope they died as a direct result of their inability to control their car. end of story.

you are miss applying the word "cause" and you have no evidence that the car wreck would not have happened if they hadnt been smoking. sure its nice to have a scapegoat other than the driver, but if your looking for blame put it where it really lies.
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>How much are human lives worth?

$1.6 million according to British Rail. That's how much they will spend to save one life (statistically speaking, of course.) Interesting that they actually quantified it. It's something we all do, of course, but usually it's not as explicit as that.

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nope they died as a direct result of their inability to control their car. end of story.

you are miss applying the word "cause" and you have no evidence that the car wreck would not have happened if they hadnt been smoking. sure its nice to have a scapegoat other than the driver, but if your looking for blame put it where it really lies.

And I'm positive the inability to control the car was a result of the weed. The rest of us made it home just fine BOTH times. That's two hard data points for me.

Sorry Amigo, I see you feel strongly about this but so do I and I would give anything to have those two idiots back to repeat the experiment, but I have to go with what I have.

Just stay safe, don't smoke and drive.

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nope they died as a direct result of their inability to control their car. end of story.

you are miss applying the word "cause" and you have no evidence that the car wreck would not have happened if they hadnt been smoking. sure its nice to have a scapegoat other than the driver, but if your looking for blame put it where it really lies.

And I'm positive the inability to control the car was a result of the weed.

be as 'positive' as you wish, but thats all it is, a wish, an assumption without actual evidence to back it..what you call 'data points' are not data at all, they are simple occurances. you might as well say the coin came up heads twice why didnt it come up heads the third time??
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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There shouldn't be a dollar figure associated with human life. But I have to ask. If the main goal of the war on terror is protecting the lives of US citizens, how many lives could be saved if that money was directed toward other preventable causes of death.

i'm missing the figures for deaths caused by starvation, malnutrition, civil wars in the 3rd & 4th world....

that should be the real goals on that planet
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$1.6 million according to British Rail. That's how much they will spend to save one life (statistically speaking, of course.) Interesting that they actually quantified it. It's something we all do, of course, but usually it's not as explicit as that.

Hi Bill,

Isn't £1.6 million the total cost of a fatal accident per fatality? This includes all the police, enquiry, loss of revenue costs, plus the loss of earnings of the deceased.

In 1986 it was £600,000. I think the Office of Natinal Statistics in the UK costs this.


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