
Theoretical problem....

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Now, I ain't knocking fat people. I know some fine fat people and if this goes much beyond theoretical I'm going to need to find a big person for some experiments. That said.....

Let's say we are given a standard household toilet ready for use. You can even have a little tidy bowl man in it if you want. Now, we are also given a person of sufficient 'girth' lets say, that when they sit on said toilet they form a gas tight seal. Now, let's say our large friend had been on a strict, high-fiber diet - you know, beans, beans, they're good for the heart....

Now, our subject proceeds to let loose a ferocious wind storm. What happens now??
I see three possibilities (and if you think of more, please share :)
1) the pressure in the bowl quickly exceeds atmospheric pressure, forcing the water out and blowing the top off the back.
That's no fun, so lets assume we can strap that down and keep that from happening.

2) the bowl itself actually blows apart. Anyone happen to know the tensile strength of those ceramic bowls? I'd love to do the calculation to see how much pressure we'd need....

3) and if the tensile strength of the bowl is REALLY high, could the person get the pressure high enough to launch themselves off the toilet? Maybe there is some trade off between weight and lift off pressure we could fiddle with???

Maybe make an artificial gas tight seal for the skinny people? You could market special cans of high fiber beans for self flotation....


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There was a show on TV were to guys tried this with a airline toilet to prove weather a person could get stuck on a toilet if there was any kind of back pressure ....they were unsuccesfull...so to answer your question ...the ass in question could not produce a realistic seal on the toilet...!!

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There was a show on TV were to guys tried this with a airline toilet to prove weather a person could get stuck on a toilet if there was any kind of back pressure ....they were unsuccesfull...so to answer your question ...the ass in question could not produce a realistic seal on the toilet...!!


See, you've already altered the experiment parameters...I ain't said nothing 'bout no airline toilet. We'd have Tom Ridge all over our ass if we were trying to launch people from airline toilets...

Plus we're assuming we have the seal already - I'm interested in toilet bowl behavior and possible applications of refried beans for self propulsion.
I'm convinced that if I can get a seal for my little brother (who weighs close to 100 lbs soaking wet but has the same natural gas capacity of west Texas) I could open my own business putting commercial satellites into orbit...

Now focus!

And please, if you indulge in the Taco bell value menu, please don't smoke and sh....you know.

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Does this toilet have a toilet seat? That is a major factor, if it does, then there is no air-tight seal because the toilet seat has "feet" to allow a level platform.

If the toilet has a "built-in" toilet-seat-lip, then I submit that I believe the flesh leading up under the legs would give way under the wind storm and a loud clapping sound would ensue. :D
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Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
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Actually, its quit simple... as soon as the air in the bowl became pressurized, the water in the bowl would go down the drain (Sewer). There is NO valve holding the water in, just gravity and an S curve in the pipe. If your fat person had more gas than water in the bowl... Then the water would all go down the drain and the air would just go right into the sewer pipes and into the sewer

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That's what I was going to say, only simpler:
The gas pressure would simply flush the toilet.

...unless (and this is unlikely) you could increase the pressure so suddenly that the inertia of the water in the bowl trapped the pressure long enough to cause another effect. I suspect this effect might be merely to lift the person, or part of the person, to the point at which the seal was broken and the gas escaped.

I saw that Discovery show, too. The part about being shot in the head by Pillsbury dough heated in the car was better, and proven possible.


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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Actually, its quit simple... as soon as the air in the bowl became pressurized, the water in the bowl would go down the drain (Sewer). There is NO valve holding the water in, just gravity and an S curve in the pipe. If your fat person had more gas than water in the bowl... Then the water would all go down the drain and the air would just go right into the sewer pipes and into the sewer

Okay, that can fall under option one so let's assume we can stop the flush.

I guess the better question now is can a person fart enough to blow up a toilet bowl or launch themself? And exactly how far could you launch yourself?
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Okay, that can fall under option one so let's assume we can stop the flush.

Nothing would happpen. The water would continue to go down the drain... then be replaced by more from the tank (If its flushing and the valve is stuck open.) The pressure in the bowl will remain Equal.

Basically they guy's ass would seal the toilet and make it like the opening in the bowl was never there. Because of the construction of a toilet, and capacity of the tank, it is impossible to create the suction that you are hoping for that would confine him to the toilet.

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Okay, that can fall under option one so let's assume we can stop the flush.

I guess the better question now is can a person fart enough to blow up a toilet bowl or launch themself? And exactly how far could you launch yourself?

Assuming his/her rectum doesn't burst from the pressure too? :D I say enough to jam one's head in the ceiling. :D:P:ph34r:
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I guess the better question now is can a person fart enough to blow up a toilet bowl or launch themself? And exactly how far could you launch yourself?

OK -- this falls under the "just plain weird" category but I'll try and explain it; or at least make take on it.

No. Absolutely not possible.

Bohle's law (did I spell that right)... pressure and volume vary inversely with each other.

If I have a ball of gas that's at 2atm (atmospheric pressure units) and sits in a 10cm cubed sphere ... but I "dump" it into something that's larger the pressure goes down. I think it varies in a logrithmic fashion but I'm not too keen on my physics formulas these days.

Now, it looks to me like my toilet lid is around 1.5 square feet in surface area that touches my bum. We'll say 2 square feet to keep things nice and even.

My body weighs 140lbs, maybe 150 if I just ate and I'm fully clothed. We'll go with 150.

That's 150lbs over 288 inches. the pressure to equalize this would be: .5psi above ATM -- that would keep me "floating"

To accelerate (and lift) you need more of this -- and that one definately grows exponentially. To launch a 10lb object 2 feet in the air takes more than 2x the energey to launch it 1 foot in the air. I really wish I studied Newtonian physics right now and stopped piddling around with Quantum stuff "for fun" :)...

The amount of gas you'd have to place in that bowl to lift you wold be far too much for your body to contain. Take the above general numbers and run with them and you'd probably find you'd need to basically put as much air in your ass as a car tire to even gain a small amount of lift. I don't know about you but if I stuck in air compressor hose in my behind for 3 minutes there's no way my body could contain that gas. The muscles there just aren't rated for 45psi... assuming I have enough room in my guts to contain the same square area as a tire. I don't think I can ram a tire in my behind and into my guts so I'd wager I'd need 4x that pressure ratio -- and 120 pounds/inch is a bit unbearable for my spincter.

One of the fun parts about thinking about such problems is that you need to take them to extremes to illustrate the point. Well, you don't need to but it often brings you to a conclusion much easier.

Assume a gigantic toilet bowl -- the pressure in the bowl would need to be the same as the little bowl to blow you off it. The same holes true for an infinately small bowl too -- it's just a pressure diffential that would blow you off it. the PSI againt your ass checks will blow you across the room just the same regardless of the mass behind it.

So, to take it to the small extreme lets assume you had a perfectly fitting ass cover that was securely anchored to the earth. Hook an air compressor to the docile end of this cover and try and keep yourself anchored to it. Unless you an place 1000lbs of weight on your arsehole you're going to start taking on air before you have enough pressure to actually "hop" off the thing... let alone gain any real altitude.

This reminds me way too much of my discussion with a skydiver (before I tried the stuff) about the terminal velocity of a horse... time to go :)

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You're missing the simple point that the pressure builds continuously with time. So there will be a point in time where you will just start to lift off. So now your ass is off the bowl, the pressure equalizes, and you settle back down. It would probably sound like a fart, really.


-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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Bohle's law (did I spell that right)... pressure and volume vary inversely with each other.

Boyle's law.

Yeah, yeah, PV=nRT and all that jazz....I think if you pack enough beans into someone you can do it. I guess we just need to do some experiments now....

Maybe best to use a bucket first. I know some people that got stuck in a bucket once...YEAH! This is going to work. Now I gotta find someone willing to hold the bucket :D:D
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You're missing the simple point that the pressure builds continuously with time. So there will be a point in time where you will just start to lift off. So now your ass is off the bowl, the pressure equalizes, and you settle back down. It would probably sound like a fart, really.


hmm. Okay, so we actually need to *plug* the person onto the bowl so the pressure can build up to critical....

edit: Okay, so now I see what gigabust was talking about - you'd have to have a very toned tushy to keep from ripping apart. And let's keep quantum out, one minute you're ready for lift off, the next your over by the fridge.....thank god h is so small :)
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In this case the pressure will force your arse open (I'm assuming that your arse muscles are not strong enough to hold your entire weight up all by themselves) and depressurize through your digestive tract, resulting in a very loud (probably damaging) burp.

Edit: Also, your arse needs to open to expel additional gases. Your intestines probably cannot create sufficient pressure to pressurize the bowl enough for takeoff. As (almost added another s there:S) GigaBuist said, you'd need an air compressor.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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You guys are all goofy. Unless the Fat guy takes a big dump first and completely plugs the drain in the bottom of the toilet, There can be no pressure buildup withing the bowl.

Because of the construction of the toilet, there will never be much suction, and unless the drain is plugged, there can never be much overpressure.

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You guys are all goofy. Unless the Fat guy takes a big dump first and completely plugs the drain in the bottom of the toilet, There can be no pressure buildup withing the bowl.

Because of the construction of the toilet, there will never be much suction, and unless the drain is plugged, there can never be much overpressure.

Fine then, have big boy sit on a bucket.....

"Ve're needing an Explosion!!!"

(bonus points for that movie quote :D)
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So now we have a fat guy sitting on a bucket with an air compressor in the other end (of the bucket). Is this like a potato gun only with fat guys?

This is sooo wrong:S

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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So now we have a fat guy sitting on a bucket with an air compressor in the other end (of the bucket). Is this like a potato gun only with fat guys?

This is sooo wrong:S

Let's leave the air compressor out of it. I'm interested in self-induced compression - you know the type I'm talking about - in the elevator and just can't hold it.... Just think of harnessing that power :D

As for potato guns, that was a phase I went through that gave my mom fits and my brother no arm hair. Somewhere around here I've got plans for a new type of gun I designed that, if my calculations are right, should shoot a lime over 3/4 of a mile. One day I will build it B|

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