
If Gore was president, how would we have responded to 9/11

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There are people that believe that Gore would not have had to react. That the attacks may have been vaguely planned during the Clinton years, but the "trigger" hadn't been pulled until GWB was in office. That GWB winning -was- the trigger and set the final stages for the attacks.



http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,6950093%255E1702,00.html OK, Albright still isn't convined that the attacks wouldn't have happened, but she seem pretty confidant that things would have been very different.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I don't think they cared Dem or Rep, but rather Bush.

As you recall, Bush (41) wasn't liked too much in the middle-east and these guys have a tendancy to carry a grudge from generation to generation.

That's not to say we don't. Afterall, we sorta killed the Hussein kids pretty good.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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What would be so fundamentally different about our response?

I am sympathetic to the folks who "dislike" GWB, and their reasons, but what would Gore have done that would have been different/better?

Probably would have lobbed a few cruise missles at some empty camps and called it even.

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There are people that believe that Gore would not have had to react.

What about the first World Trade Center bombing, Khobar towers, the African embassy bombings, the USS Cole attack, etc? Those all happened on Clinton's watch with Gore as VP.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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What about the first World Trade Center bombing, Khobar towers, the African embassy bombings, the USS Cole attack, etc? Those all happened on Clinton's watch with Gore as VP.

and how many chances did old Clinton have to nail Binny. Two maybe three, funny how they forget that.

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As bad as all of those examples put together are, they do not compare, by a long shot, to the events of September 11, 2001.

Oh and for the record . . . while the first World Trade Center bombing took place on February 26, 1993, Ramzi Yousef had entered the country with the bombing in mind on September 1, 1992 -- well within the administration of Bush (41). Neither Clinton nor Gore had even been elected to office yet.

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Ramzi Yousef had entered the country with the bombing in mind on September 1, 1992

So why didn't they call if off after Clinton was elected? BTW, at least two of the 9/11 hijackers entered the country under Clinton's watch. It didn't just fire up after Bush was elected.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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09/11 would more than likely never have occured if Al Gore had won the election, i mean if the election hadn't of been stolen from him.

don't get me wrong, i voted for ol' Wyatt Earp (last time) but 09/11 was an act of vengeance for the gulf war. old habits die hard.
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>If Gore was president, how would we have responded to 9/11?

Probably no differently at first. There's no question about going after the people who pulled off 9/11 and their organization; the Taliban simply got in the way, and they would have gotten in the way of a Gore-led attack as well. I do think we would have held off on Iraq for longer, and given more time for inspectors to do their work. End result would have been an impotent Iraq and a blustering Hussein with as many links to Al Qaeda and as many WMD's as Bush has found (i.e. none.)

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Damn Quade, are you and Billvon brothers or something? Both moderators with almost the same points of view, altho, you don't seem to be the "worlds greatest authority" on everything like Bill, mostly politics for you.

Those poor ol sons of Saddam (or kids as you called them). Bet you could find a whole lot of folks that are very happy to know we wasted them. Murdering, raping, torturing tens of thousands of their own people. Darn kids these days huh?

You are obviously one of those people that think that "Bush stole the election", "It's all about oil", making his "rich friends richer" and on and on.

Clinton and Gore could do no wrong, well, except for lying under oath, giving our nuclear secrets to the Chinese, illegal campaign donations, etc. etc. Ordinary everyday things that ordinary people go to prison for.

As for what Gore would have done if he had been in charge on Sept 11th (and it had still occurred had a Demo been in office), who knows. I'm pretty sure he would have opened a big ol can of whipass too. I doubt that it would have extended to Iraq tho. And I wish that Bush had not gotten involved with Iraq either, about the only big mistake he has made IMHO.

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Now, now, leave good ol' billvon out of comparisons with me. He's much better looking and quite a bit more intelligent in some areas. Conversely, I know all the names of the Seven Dwarfs and prefer Mac OSX to Windows, so, there are two more differences.

When I called Uday and Qusai "Hussein's kids" I was using what we like to refer to as "humor". Sure, it's easy to lose your sense of humor when you're talking about murderers, but Mel Brooks is doing ok on Broadway right now making fun of Hitler, so, maybe 50 or so years from now you'll catch up with me and we'll have a laugh at their expense.

As for the rest of your post . . . you're lumping me in with several unrelated topics and not all of them are ones I agree or disagree with, so I'm a little confused at how obviously I can be "one of those people".
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Bill, Ya know, I am getting so tired of all the teary, why-are-we-theres always pinning their argument on the WMD situation. Please don't be one of em.

Listen, Saddam had WMDs. There is no question of that. He used them on the Kurds. There is no question of that. Saddam had Migs buried in the sand. How big is a Mig, for God's sake? You don't think that he could hide a few barrels of chemical and biological weapons in the world's biggest sandbox? Please.

Truth be told, Iraq has been a target since a couple weeks after 911. Intelligence agencies reported there was influence there, and it has been substantiated. Look at the terrorists (many of whom are al qaeda) in Iraq lining up for their strap-on H.E. packs to blow up the American imperialists. You wanna tell me that it's not a hotbed of terrorism? Again, please. We are there for a good reason. I didn't believe that for months after we first landed, but things are becoming crystal clear now. Iraq was/is a good target--a target GWB's dad should have finished the first damn time.

I may not be as wise as some people, but don't bs me with a straight face and expect me to buy all of it.

I love ya bill, but that argument is beneath you


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Great start to a thread, but it's kind of like herding kittens, isn't it?

I agree that he would have started like GWB -- what was done then might not have been perfect, but nothing wrong. But it would have diverged eventually most likely.

Wendy W.
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...it would have diverged eventually most likely...

Into either Madeline Albright's new world tour or "Somalia II--Afghan style."

I just can't say enough to thank the kind, illiterate folks of certain Florida districts.;)


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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You guys can't separate this by party. Each person is different. I believe Clinton would have dealt with this well--possibly better than GWB. Don't forget he was the first to lob cruise missiles into Afghanistan to try to get bin laden.

But on the subject of Gore, Clinton himself said that Gore would not have been the right man for the job after 9/11.

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>Bill, Ya know, I am getting so tired of all the teary, why-are-we-
>theres always pinning their argument on the WMD situation.

I think it's funny that many pro-war types have gone from "What, you don't believe he has stockpiles of WMD's to sell to terrorists? Don't you believe your own government?" to "Why are you making such a big stink that we can't find any WMD's?"

>Listen, Saddam had WMDs. There is no question of that. He used
>them on the Kurds. There is no question of that.

Agreed. We sold a bunch of chemical weapons precursors to him and supported him when he used them against the Iranians. As the old joke goes "Of course he had WMD's; we kept the receipts." The question is - did we have a better idea whether he still had such weapons than a UN inspection team? And could we do a better job of finding and controlling them that they did?

I would remind you that the UN weapons team found more evidence than we did i.e. some empty shells that once contained chemical weapons. There was a need to make sure that he no longer had WMD's. I think there were other ways to do that besides invading. It's even possible that a large weapons inspection team within Iraq knew _more_ than we did about what was in Iraq.

>You wanna tell me that it's not a hotbed of terrorism?

Yep, it was. So is Syria and Saudi Arabia. Iraq is more of a hotbed of terror since we've invaded. If the next Al Qaeda rises in Iraq and kills a few hundred US soldiers, will we have "won?"

I agree that Iraq was a problem - but invading them may have, in the long run, made things even worse.

>I may not be as wise as some people, but don't bs me with a
>straight face and expect me to buy all of it.

Hmm. I consider people who claim a firm connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam BSing since our own president said he couldn't come up with a link between them. But that's fine; whatever you choose to believe is fine with me. I just hope people believe stuff that is as close to the truth as possible, because I think that benefits us most in the long run.

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What would be so fundamentally different about our response?

I am sympathetic to the folks who "dislike" GWB, and their reasons, but what would Gore have done that would have been different/better?

He would have been concerned with saving the owls.
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