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QuoteWhat would be so fundamentally different about our response?
I am sympathetic to the folks who "dislike" GWB, and their reasons, but what would Gore have done that would have been different/better?
He would have been concerned with saving the owls.
Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires."
Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
>theres always pinning their argument on the WMD situation.
I think it's funny that many pro-war types have gone from "What, you don't believe he has stockpiles of WMD's to sell to terrorists? Don't you believe your own government?" to "Why are you making such a big stink that we can't find any WMD's?"
>Listen, Saddam had WMDs. There is no question of that. He used
>them on the Kurds. There is no question of that.
Agreed. We sold a bunch of chemical weapons precursors to him and supported him when he used them against the Iranians. As the old joke goes "Of course he had WMD's; we kept the receipts." The question is - did we have a better idea whether he still had such weapons than a UN inspection team? And could we do a better job of finding and controlling them that they did?
I would remind you that the UN weapons team found more evidence than we did i.e. some empty shells that once contained chemical weapons. There was a need to make sure that he no longer had WMD's. I think there were other ways to do that besides invading. It's even possible that a large weapons inspection team within Iraq knew _more_ than we did about what was in Iraq.
>You wanna tell me that it's not a hotbed of terrorism?
Yep, it was. So is Syria and Saudi Arabia. Iraq is more of a hotbed of terror since we've invaded. If the next Al Qaeda rises in Iraq and kills a few hundred US soldiers, will we have "won?"
I agree that Iraq was a problem - but invading them may have, in the long run, made things even worse.
>I may not be as wise as some people, but don't bs me with a
>straight face and expect me to buy all of it.
Hmm. I consider people who claim a firm connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam BSing since our own president said he couldn't come up with a link between them. But that's fine; whatever you choose to believe is fine with me. I just hope people believe stuff that is as close to the truth as possible, because I think that benefits us most in the long run.
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