
What are you really good at?

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I'm a really good editor. I can take something someone's written, and tighten it, tweak it, fill in the blanks, until it's a beautiful, readable piece, with all the integrity of the writer's voice intact.

But that's pretty much all I'm really good at.

What are you most talented at?
Skydiving is for cool people only

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I'm really good at remembering really useless/random information/trivia. That and being able to remember movie quotes. I'm really good at that.

Too bad those are pretty much worthless attributes...*shrug* There's a lot of other things I like to think I'm good at (music, cars, stuff like that), but I don't feel like I'm good enough at them to really and truely claim them as something I'm really good at.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I'm a really good editor. I can take something someone's written, and tighten it, tweak it, fill in the blanks, until it's a beautiful, readable piece, with all the integrity of the writer's voice intact.

But that's pretty much all I'm really good at.

What are you most talented at?

COOL! How much do you charge? I'll send you my thesis before I hand it in :D

I'm really good at looking at rocks. Just looking at them.....

Scars remind us that the past is real

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I'm really good at gardening, spelling and creative crafts. I'm not bad at cooking either, when I'm in the mood to cook. I'm a really good listener too.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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I'm really good at scaring people. I love sneaking up on people.... I've hidden under desks, behind doors, and around corners in wait to scare people. Silly string can make almost anyone good at this though. :)
I'm also really good at taking top notch care of my man (in all respects). ;)

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I'm with Brains, I am really good at getting drunk and acting stupid. I am still hearing about things that I did on Saturday night. I started to wonder if everyone was making up these stories but I remember bits and pieces about the night.
I am also really good at sleeping. I could sleep for days and never get out of bed...
I used to like to think I was good at Karoake but I have been banned from singing.
I think I am pretty good at taking care of man when I am in the mood to do so that is.... ;););)
Samantha Weaver

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I'm really good at getting drunk and stupid.;)

I'll see your drunk and stupid, and raise you smart ass, and annoying....:P
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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"I can tape all your buns together."

-name the movie and character, win a widget.

Shit... um.. Breakfast club, Emilio Estevez as Andrew

.. I bet some one got the answer before I could post...
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Analysing and understanding complex problems.

What does this mean? I'm a problem solver, I just happen to use a series of programing languages as my toolbox.

For work, I sit down with executives, listen to them for hours and hours and hours, then come up with solutions to their problems.

I'm really good at making people say "Hmm. I hadn't thought of that".


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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I'll go by what people seem to thinnk I'm good at:

1) Music
2) Baking
3) Lawyering
4) Remembering useless stuff. The more useless and stupid, the better.
5) If my evaluations were any indicator, I was a damned good Army officer, too.

It's nice to see what y'all are good at. I may come asking for your help sometime. :)

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I'm good at writing (especially professional-sounding letters, etc, but also poems and stories), editing, and quoting movies/songs. Kind of sad, anything that someone says, I can usually quote a song or movie to go with it.:P
Oh, and spelling. I am the office dictionary!

Blondes do have more fun!

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