
What are you really good at?

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i used to be able to identify just about any military plane on sight

I'll see your planes and raise you helicopters, tanks, trucks, APC's, mobile and towed anti-aircraft systems, infantry weapons of all shapes, sizes, and origins, and commo equipment. Of course...that sort of stuff was in my job description. So, maybe that's cheating. :D


specifically small portable things that use very little power and have flashing lights.

So it was you that made the Star Trek communicators? :D

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-Playing guitar ( semi good singer)
-making people laugh
-giving advice and Or just listening ( many of you may not believe it)
- and th enumber one thing Im good at is wasting my fukn time on DZ.com. but I've cut down;) and will even more wehn I switch work shift on monday:D
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I'm really good at gap analysis - seeing the whole picture and figuring out what's wrong with it and what it will take to fix it. My boss just LOVES it.

And I'm good at...oh, wait, better not mention that here....

A sweet sound descends
Through blue skies and clouds above
Whispering my name

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I am really good at being mediocre...:P
Seriously...I have a dynamic opera voice and traveled a bit doing that. Who would have thunk it?

I am a good cook but a fablulous baker which I attribute to my Great Grandmother from Norway.

I have good organizational skills but am rather anal about keeping to schedules.

I am good at teaching/coaching. Kids, adults or other mammalian;)...teaching is teaching.

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Being happy alone, although periodically I forget this skill and have to relearn it.

Talking to cats.


Anything academic.

Partying until the sun comes up...sometimes more than once (this is a talent I reserve for special occasions, like Fridays:P)

Just keep swimming...just keep swimming....

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Partying until the sun comes up...sometimes more than once (this is a talent I reserve for special occasions, like Fridays:P)

I know wacha mean. ppl used to tell I used to party alot. when in fact i only partied 2ce a week.
the first time was for 3 days the second was for 4:D
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I am a really good teacher. I have devoted most of my life to teaching one subject or another in various languages and on several continents. I get great satisfaction from teaching.

I can do some phenomenal tricks on my bare feet behind a ski boat.

I am quite adept at cooking meat on an open-flame grill.

I am incredibly fast and accurate with firearms and have spent a lot of time as the number one man in CQB entry formations.

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I'm really good at remembering really useless/random information/trivia. That and being able to remember movie quotes. I'm really good at that.

are you implying that there is a difference? lol

oh yeah, apparently im a really good troll.ugh.
namaste, motherfucker.

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I'm really good at remembering really useless/random information/trivia. That and being able to remember movie quotes. I'm really good at that.

Too bad those are pretty much worthless attributes...*shrug* There's a lot of other things I like to think I'm good at (music, cars, stuff like that), but I don't feel like I'm good enough at them to really and truely claim them as something I'm really good at.

Dave, you'd be surprised how useful such trivia can be when you're an instructor. You can use pop-culture anecdotes to your advantage to motivate people in a classroom setting.

For example, when I was teaching the OSI computer networking model in A+ cert class, I used a replica Star Trek communicator as a visual prop to describe how the Transport Layer of the model works. It's a quirky, funny, offbeat relationship that most people can readily grasp (they're in a tech class because they have an interest in technology), and more importantly, they'll REMEMBER.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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OK got to set a few straight:

Skypup - you are so not shy when I'm around

Bets - you are welcome to try your skills on me as I love cookies and cakes

Michele - you forgot hugger

PDS - you are no troll, you just march to a different drum is all

ME - I'm a pretty good teacher, a good mom, and I can be a good cook when I WANT to be

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I'm very good at rendering people unconscious without crushing their larynx

I'm a really good children's story teller, in each of the character's voices.

I'm one of the best shots with an M1A, ever. Got the medals to prove it.

I'm good at listening to, and knowing, 7 year old girls. I can fix their problems.

I am very good at stopping violence before it starts, with a look.

Jen, a cutie packer, told me this weekend that she thought I was a good husband. I am. Damn good. Really, really good at the Dad thing too. And the friend thing. I love my friends.

I'm pretty good at being a man.

I know what fork to use when eating a fancy dinner.

And I know where to hit you to stop things early.

Wierd, huh?

But I'm comfortable with it. And I love that I have plenty of friends like me who don't post this stuff.



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Really good at?

Hmmm, I'd have to say everything I do.


If I'm not really, really good at it, I will be, or I won't do it anymore.

I know, it's a flaw, but it's me.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I think I'm a really good mom. Jackie Kennedy once said, ""If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do well matters very much". I agree with that statement 100%.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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