
What are you really good at?

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I am really good at:

working out hard and consistently - I totally enjoy working up a good sweat and I love being strong

taking care of others

cooking/creating recipes

cleaning - no one gets a bathroom sparkling like me!

sex - and lots of it


grinning like a monkey when skydivingB|

Fall in dove.

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I personally have a problem saying I am "really good", because I know there is always many other people better. With that in mind, I think I am good at:

giving advice
public speaking
being true to my beliefs
being a brother
being a son
being an uncle
being a friend
And saving the best for last...kissing. (I've been told this too many times to not believe it.B|)



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i used to be able to identify just about any military plane on sight

I'll see your planes and raise you helicopters, tanks, trucks, APC's, mobile and towed anti-aircraft systems, infantry weapons of all shapes, sizes, and origins, and commo equipment. Of course...that sort of stuff was in my job description. So, maybe that's cheating. :D

fawker I think i'd actually like that job. What was your MOS?

oh ya i have been told that i have a slight bit of talent at hugging women. Also been told i give half-way decent back massages
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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reading people.

people send out so many signals without knowing it.
if you tune yourself to the right things you can sense many things people are trying to hide...

its not science, its art B|


ditto to that:P

"Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's
addressed to someone else!" Ivern Ball

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What was your MOS?

The Air Force doesn't have MOS's!! It's an AFSC. :D Anyway...J1C471 Tactical Air Command and Control Specialist with two special duty identifiers attached. The "J" to show "Airborne" qual'd and another to show I was a certified Enlisted Terminal Attack Controller. Definately a fun job. Every 10 year old boys dream. Cool guns, blowing things up, jumping out of planes, and camping.......LOTS of camping.....:D

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Bonjour Jessigateaux, Comment ca-va?

Hmmm... I'm trying to think of how to reply to this post:):).

Tell me Jessica.... What am I REALLY good at?

Any suggestions anyone?


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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I am SO good at getting in last before the lock. Seriously. Check if you don't believe me. I had three in one day, once.

Is it something I say?

I am also VERY adept at killing threads, and when I start them they go nowhere. ("Where you goin'? NOwhere!")

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I am really good at not standing up landings that I could have easily stood up! :)
I can make tortillas. I think they're good, but others might just be saying they're good to spare me my feelings!

And I'm good at keeping my handles. (so far!)

(Well, happythoughts found my cutaway handle right by the peas last time, lol. Short arms, some cable still in housings, didn't come loose til I landed, that's my guess.)

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