
What are you really good at?

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i got my wifes car running.1989 bmw 325is broke a timing belt.busted the head broke a rocker arm,bent 3 valves and bent the rocker shaft. i took the head to a machine shop got it welded up took all the valves out got the new ones back in put it all back together and its runs as smooth as silk.not bad for a once upon a time dope fiend.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough

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I'm really good at being an aunt. I love spoiling my nephews, and I love not being the one having to quiet them down!

My nephew Robby did the cutest thing tonight. He likes it when people pretend to sleep. So, he handed me a pillow, I laid down on his bed, I pretended to snore, he handed me his small toy trucks, a book, and a stuffed bear, he rubbed my knee, and then he went out in the living room and told my brother, "Shhhh! V!!!! Ny ny!" :)
My other nephew is such a beautiful baby. He looks like a little porcelain doll. He started noticing himself in mirrors, and it's so cute to see him giggle and smile! :)
I can't wait to start slipping them $20 here and there behind their parents' backs so that they can go buy candy!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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