
What are you really bad at?

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I am horrible at making myself go to bed when I'm watching sports on TV and drinking beer. I am constantly reminded of this "badness" the following day while at work.


I'm absolutely horrible at remembering people's names. It's not uncommon for me to forget people's names within seconds of hearing them.

I used to have this very same problem. It wasn't until I took a course in college (Professional Golf Management -- yes, I needed a three-hour course to book 12 for a semester and Methodist is fairly big on golf stuff). Anyway, one of the very topics of discussion was how to remember people's names when meeting them. It sounded so simple that I never thought it would work. I have used this technique since I learned it and it has worked EVERY TIME. It goes something like this:

Most of the time, when meeting people, we are so concerned about what we are going to say and how we are presenting ourselves that we completely forget the individual's name the instant we hear it. To combat this, one must do three simple things:

1) LISTEN to the person's name;
2) LOOK at the person; and,
3) while LOOKING at the person USE their name in a greeting "Nice to meet you, ." Extending a hand for a handshake while LOOKING and USING also helps to reinforce the association.

Just try it...I promise it works if you concentrate on these three things. And no, my golf game didn't improve when taking Professional Golf Management, but I did learn calligraphy :S.

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Math. Oh, I was good at the simple stuff from grade school, but Calculus just plain kicked my butt.

I'm also pretty bad at staying still. Dern hyperactivity...

I was majoring in EE when I ran into the "math without numbers" crap. That's when I decided I wanted to just be a technician instead...:o:D...well, I was in a car wreck while on my way to calculus class almost ten years ago today. I took it as an omen and focused on IT instead. It's served me well until recently, when I got laid off from IT at Boeing.

But hey, in the immortal words of the Forty Year-Old Hippie - "Oh well, it was groovy while it lasted!" :D
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I am really bad at learning to say "no". Mouth keeps telling me I gotta work on that.

OMG....you were listening. Now if I can just get you to use it on some people. Not me though. B|

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I am NOT great at several things that I just do not practice but,
I am NOT able to really lie.
Joking with someone is one thing and lying is another.
It's as if I was born with a natural polyagraph in my circulatory system.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I am really bad at belly dancing! I'm even taking a class on it right now since I can't get it on my own. The music is wonderful, my teacher is neat-o, but I look like a fool. Oh well! It's still fun! I even get to play with cymbals in the next session!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I second the BAD at golf. Of course I only tried it once on a course and once on a range. The first time was at a range in high school. A friend of mine was teaching me how to hold and swing the club. HeHeHe :) Lets just say after one big swing he walked away probably seeing some stars since I swung the club back directly into his head. :$B| Oops!!!

Then, the second time I attempted golf was this last summer. I enjoyed myself and all except for realizing how bad I can actually be at something. This time I nearly killed my poor golf companion :o ...

It was a hell of a drive :$ ... the only problem was it ended up going right through the frame of the golf cart where Kelly just happened to be sitting. Luckily he saw it coming and had quick enough reflexes to duck :):D:D

What a humbling experience golf turned out to be for me. I especially enjoyed those times when I went to swing with the driver after setting up for the perfect shot and the next thing I knew was that I missed the ball entirely. :|

Then its all about covering your butt and playing it off like that was really just a practice swing and I meant to do that all along. :D

I guess its a good thing that I skydive more than I golf. :S
Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires."

Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."

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