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Solo jump on a Sigma 370 openned at 6, the plane, some people that open at altitude passed me and landed and I was still at 3000
I never thought that I will say this. That was the most boring canopy ride:) well from 6 to 4 it was lots of fun and from 1 to landing to. but that part in between. even doing spirals was long!!!!!!!
I will do it again on a sunset load. so i can enjoy the sunset longer:)

"If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

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i poped at 14000ft and made a 15-20min(30km)flight back to my dz under a student Raven 240sqft.We called it long distance flights.they are usaly fun and beautyful rides,but beaware to sit in the right way in the hardness or you´ll stop your blod to your legs.fly at 1/2 breaks whith back winds and hold your hands close to your torso. only use them to correct the way of flight at rear risers. pop your toogles before landing and land normaly..;)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I have done more than one h+p from 14000. One was a cross country and the other there were two of us that were interested in crw and we saw how close we could get to each other without crashing. We did not get closer that about 50'. Oh, it is a lonnnngggg ride down from that high, even at 1.3/1.

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Navigator 176 (loaded abour 1.25)from 13.5 K. I don't know how long it lasts but I know that its the longest ride I have had.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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1st was a X-country from 13500 I was supposed to land in Mass at the dropzone, but Landed in a field in New Hampshire.

2nd was a 2 way hop-n-pop @ 13500. Next time I think I'll wear gloves
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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I had a premee at 15K on my 3rd AFF jump. We had just peeled off the king air when my JM's get ripped off. They were giving back the same confused look I was sending their way.

I think I was on a falcon 235, lightly loaded for that jump. For a little while it was fun watching the plane, the view, and then playing on my risers and such.... You can only spin down so many thousand feet before you are dizzy, your legs asleep, and you are seriously considering chopping.

If there were someone else to play with, or some barrel rolls to try, that would be different.
T.S.S # 5
To dream great dreams is itself an act of daring. -Eric Shipton & Bill Tilman

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Launch a three way at 17,800'. A friend of mine thought it would be funny to deploy my main about 3 seconds out the door. He was laughing his ass off....until about 10 seconds later when the other guy deployed HIS main. He wasn't laughing so much anymore when he was under canopy at 15k. We hooked up, did some quasi-CReW. We did his first downplane....held it for about 5,000'. Broke at about 7k, then figured we better find a place to land(wind had pushed us waaaaay past the DZ). He bought lots of beer that weekend....for firsts AND payback!


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Why just yesterday. Out at 14k & pull. Under a 190 Hornet.We figure 20 to 25 minutes. No wind. Lots of nice big clouds to play around. Great fun:)
L.A.S.T. #24
Co-Founder Biscuit Brothers Freefly Team
Electric Toaster #3
Co-Founder Team Non Sequitor
Co-Founder Team Happy Sock

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Welcome back, Mike....long time no see.

Pulled at 9000 twice yesterday, to play in the clouds. When I asked the pilot if I could pull high, he asked how high. I said out the door. He said fine by him, but watch out for the jets flying out of Bragg. :)


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I had a premee at 15K on my 3rd AFF jump. We had just peeled off the king air when my JM's get ripped off. They were giving back the same confused look I was sending their way.

Seems to happen to one of my students about once a year. "WTF?" Well, OK, it's only happened twice.

Tim S. gave me a pointer on leg position to prevent the "narrow door - wide rig" problem.


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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When I asked the pilot if I could pull high, he asked how high. I said out the door. He said fine by him, but watch out for the jets flying out of Bragg.

I remember that conversation. I didn't even realize you were PLFKING until just now. You were just "the guy exiting after the AFF." (I was the guy exiting just ahead of the AFF).


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