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hop'n'pop from 3.200 meters, saw a beautifull white clowd on the other end of the jumprun and decided to go for it... had some problems with blood staying in my legs, but nothing serious... can't wait for the next time i'll do that

Check out the site of the Fallen Angels FreeflY Organisation:

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I remember that conversation. I didn't even realize you were PLFKING until just now.

Yeah....Chuck and Tony try to keep that from being public knowledge, 'cause it gives Raeford a bad image. :)
Pleased to meet you ! Maybe we can do some RW next weekend if you're there. Unless you've already gravitated over to the "Dark Side". B|


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My longest canopy ride was about 12,000 ft. I had a premature bag deployment on a tandem skydive. As soon as I set the drouge, the canopy opened. I had about a 15 minute parachute ride. My student passed out on me twice but was fine for landing. Talk about some fun!
I've also done a few hop and pop jumps from 12,500 when trying out a new canopy. Last one I did, I beat the tandems down.

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WOW! These posts are really inspiring...HMMMM-

How do you PLAN out cross-country canopy rides? 'Cause it's NOT like with a hot-air balloon ride where there's a ground crew chasing around back roads following to retrieve ya when you land, right?

SO...How do you figure out from such a high altitude WHERE you're gonna land?

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WOW! These posts are really inspiring...HMMMM-

How do you PLAN out cross-country canopy rides? 'Cause it's NOT like with a hot-air balloon ride where there's a ground crew chasing around back roads following to retrieve ya when you land, right?

SO...How do you figure out from such a high altitude WHERE you're gonna land?

The harder it is to get there, the easier it'll be to get back. Basically it's a SWAG though. Unless there's plenty of alternate landing areas between exit and DZ, build in some margin for error. Also carry a cell phone and some cash (for drinking at the bar while waiting for a ride). The best I've done was only 4 or 5 miles from 10.5. I know a guy who claims close to 15 miles from 11 or 12 thousand feet. Smokin' uppers had him passing the cars on the freeway below him. Still, he came up close to a mile short of the DZ and had to land in a mall parking lot.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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You gonna find the different winds in each altitude(ask a pilot),then calculate how far you will go under a canopi flying whith back wind(from the alti,and rember your decenting all the time),then simply get the result on a map make a safty magen so your sure you´ll get home. then drop over the spot you made on your map.

At one flight the hole crew landed at the dz and most of us had 5000ft in safty alti to spin downB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I was lurking a crew 2 stack, the three of us dumped at 14K.... okay let me take a step back and say that the group before us was a tracking dive and we sort of got of of jump run to accomidate them. Well when it was our turn we never should have gotten out the plane. At 4500, a solid clou... er industrial haze cover had moved in during our climb to altitude. All is well and good for a little while great sunset and moonrise above the clouds. When it came time to punch through we all got some separation and went on through. No Airport to be seen. We all take and off landing in the saame muddy field and walk to a neighboring house to call the DZ (who are on the verge of panic right now, all except for my wife... very cool customer indeed) So we call and ask them to come pick us up, they intern as us were we are.

Conversation went somthng like this
"Joe, hey its Ken, yeah were all down and all OK. Can you guys come get us?" -Ken

"Yeah man where are you?"-Joe

"Ma'am were exactly are we?"-Ken

"328 West Main St" Neighbor

"328 W. Main" says Ken

"What city" Joe

"Ma'am what City are we in?"

"Oh, you're in Harleyville."

We jump in St. George.... 10 miles away;)

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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Oh! Crap, Canopy Ride.... I just realized am an idiot ... again. I am sorry, but I already wrote this stupid thing.

My longest skydive was jump number 14 or 15. I jumped with this certain teacher person and it was horrible. Zero dive plan. Finally when I questioned and questioned. The dive plan he told me to do (decided on at or about green lite in frustration), was do flips all the way down.

The 58 seconds or so felt like 58 years. I refer to the skydive as the skydive that would never end. You can see in the tape me constantly checking alt. It was horrible except for the accidental first head down.

I actually do have my longest canopy ride, filmed by me, and it will be for review on my website up very soon. It is not boring, it is action packed alright. All the way to the incredible 'landing'.


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