
This sucks

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Ok, so after 6 roommates, i finally get one that I like. This semester has rocked so far, I finally have someone who i actually enjoy living with.

But...it now looks like I maybe moving onto roommate #7, My roommate is a basketball player and typically they room basketball players together on this campus. Well there was one open slot so they put me (a non-basketball player) here, but it turns out that the slot was open cause this girl screwed up and forgot to put her papers in.

So now the coach is flipping and wants ME to move out so this new girl can move in. But i don't wanna move. I mean i have the final say in it whether i want to move out or not, and I want to stay. I mean I am completely moved in now and comfy and happy-for once. But, if i stay i know lots of people would be mad at me-and i don't want that-but at the same time, I really don't want to move.

Any ideas on what to do???[:/]


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Screw the Coach. That's your room - your little space. If they want the basketball players together, then the other girl can move her ass out.
you've moved and changed 7 times now - that must interfer with you study habbits and your ability to perform as a student - let them know....
=========Shaun ==========

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Screw the Coach. That's your room - your little space.

I agree completely. Screw the coach and the other folks. You paid for this room, it's your room for the semester. Tell whoever you need to to look elsewhere to solve their problems.

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well thats one of my biggest reasons for not wanting to leave-i really like my roomie.

Trust me, i don't want to leave-but at the same time i don't wanna be a bitch. I have to be in this dorm-b/c its year round housing and i have to be here year round for swimming. Theres one other slot open in this builiding-its only 2 doors down, but still, i am all set here and all.

I am pretty set on staying-i think, i just think don't want to have everyone mad at me...


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I am pretty set on staying-i think, i just think don't want to have everyone mad at me...

As a wise :ph34r: once said and you can tell them the same thing if they have a problem with your staying....." STFU, don't you know it's all about me?";):D

PS: did ya get the CD ?
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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What? They want a segregated dorm? I'd raise a big stink about it. Of course I'd probably do that for a lot of things....

But you have to understand, mental illness is like cholesterol. There is the good kind and the bad. Without the good kind- less flavor to life. - Serge A. Storms

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yes I did get the cd scott, thanks! You should be receiving something soon too :)
JT, not only does my roomie wanna come-my whole floor does-lol its great people walk into our room, see my pictures and they are like wow! i wanna do that! i think i have 7 people to take with me next weekend...well, i did, lets see what they say after i tell them im not moving

edited to prevent JT form hurting me ;)


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Not on student status they won't....maybe they can wait....;)

theyll remember you, trust me!
ask them abou tthe free jump stuff. they may wiat until you get off student stauts or they may give you a few $$ discount for each jumper you bring
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Oh yay...just talked to my roomie....that went well[:/]

I hate this! Finally, i find someone i like living with...since i am not gonna leave they are gonna move her!

its actually beginning to not make sense...ive been thiking about it more....this girl hates the girl she is moving with now...and she was saying tonight the coach doesn't even know her yet....just makes me wonder...

i feel bad, but i do get to stay at least...


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How much are her parents paying for her to go to school there and she can't even choose where she stays? That is fukt up! Ah, well, everything happens for a reason. Maybe your next roomie will be twice as cool and you'll have 2 new friends!:)

Fall in dove.

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DOH! She should take you out to dinner then! Seriously - it'll all work out in the end. But I know how much that sucks. My first semester at college my roomie got pregnant. We had become best friends and then she dropped out. I was scared of who I'd end up with but turns out I made another close friend out of the deal and we had a blast. Keep your chin up and make the most of whatever happens. :)

Fall in dove.

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I second Dove's thought that it will work itself out.

My first year in college, my roommate freaked out when he found out I was a fruit. He was afraid I was going to knock him out and rape him when he was sleeping or something... Ya.. he was four years older, balding, fat and bad acne. Like that was gonna happen.

He wanted me to move out. I refused. Even though it was his room for the last 3 years, it was a corner room (much bigger than regular ones) in the building close to campus! So he then gave up and moved out and I got an awesome roommate. He wasn't gay, but most of his friends were. We had a great time! Staying put was the best way to go.

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