
Oh no... what do I do now?

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Thank you all for so many perspectives!! I've made my decision, I will end up on a 150ish something by late next spring.
In the mean time I'll save as much as possible, then borrow the rest when the right used canopy comes up for sale.
Also in the mean time, I'll demo everything available, starting w/ a Spectre, Saber2 & anything else I get my hands on in a 170 for a bit then the one's that have the most fun flight characteristics @ 150.

Sounds like an excellent plan.. You might even want to hold onto that big Spectre for a while for traveling to unfamiliar dzs or boogies.. Just a couple of months until you get really comfy under the new one.. B|
Have fun demoing all the cool toys out there.. ;)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Oops, I knew risers were part of the container. Guess the fact that they switched the risers w/ the demo gear I got confused B|:S bad day!!


You might even want to hold onto that big Spectre for a while for traveling to unfamiliar dzs or boogies.. Just a couple of months until you get really comfy under the new one..

great idea!! esp since I love going to new dzs (even if it doesn't happen that often).

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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They won't help the value of your container very much, either.

But they do make ripping a 270 a lot easier. Just remember that when you get them....Only use the first two fingers in your loops. NEVER put your entire hand in the loop. Lost a toggle and broke my tail bone once that way. ;)

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Only use the first two fingers in your loops. NEVER put your entire hand in the loop. Lost a toggle and broke my tail bone once that way. ;)

So uh.. Clay... ya got little hands or big dive loops? there is no way I could comfortably fit more than a couple of finger in mine.. :P
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Must really agree with Andy. Don't think about landing in god conditions, think about landing that canopy in some bad conditions.
I down sized way too early and was mad for a long time for two reasons. The first was taking myself out for half the season. Broke my foot in 3 places. Second, I couldn't afford another canopy so I learned to fly this thing the hard way. That was not alot of fun.
Go slow, also jump alot more canopies before making your final decision.


Think what your furiture would look like if your legs bend the other way.

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After seeing your face when you landed I KNOW what you want to do, but I'm in no position to be giving advice on the subject. However, if you do wait til next spring I may just know of someone that is looking for your exact canopy ;). She's just a little financially challenged right now as well. :)
Just be safe girl!!! Trust me sitting around the dz and not jumping sucks!!!

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