
MP3's..what now?

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So now that they're really suing people, are you concerned? Just curious how many people will continue downloading music, how many will quit and how many will actually purchase mp3's at those other sites instead.

I predict that there will soon be ways they'll come up with to hide your identity while downloading, if there's not already for those more tech minded.


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LOL, I don't download, either. Why? I guess because I'm hopelessly trapped in the 20th century.

1. No MP3 player besides Windows Media on my computer.
2. Dial-up connection (heh, one song every 3 hours. Yeah!)
3. I just don't find myself listening to CDs all that often.

So do I get a new rig, too? ;)
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Another answer is to swap MP3's between individual users that happen to have big libraries of stuff. If it is personal and private (off the big P2P networks), it is still essentially invisible to the RIAA and all the issues relating to them.

I'm not saying invisibility equals legality. I'm just not saying anything further at all. :)

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Yep, we need an option for "I don't download illegal music." I own a software company, and so I'm a little touchy about copyright law.. It'd be pretty hypocritical of me to download illegal MP3 and then include a license agreement in the software prohibiting people from doing similar things with our code...

I do have a large Mp3 collection culled from original CDs I own though...
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"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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I predict that there will soon be ways they'll come up with to hide your identity while downloading, if there's not already for those more tech minded.

Will be? Its there, its easy to do. Shit, I've been playing games with IP addresses since I was 15 (1995). ;)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Downloading is OK if I understood well ...
It is sharing your own that is not ...

I personnally never had to download of the web ...
I just did a search accross all the network at work and found 1000th of song ;)

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- but you can control its height and depth.

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No option for I never downloaded any to begin with? :)

The only MP3's or Real Player files I have are all ones I recorded off of and maintain the original CD. They are stored on my home network that is secure behind the proxy and firewall. :D

I think the RIAA should buy me a new rig for being a good boy.

Hear, hear. I see no reason not to rip to my heart's content all the material I have lawfully and rightly paid for. However, I don't share any of it out - IT'S MINE! ALL MINE!! :D

Still, this is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Courtney Love, Janis Ian and John Perry Barlow (BTW who makes the BEST EVER case for consumer rights I've ever read in his essay on the EFF site, IMO) have some very strong opinions about the music industry bigwigs, their fatally flawed business model, and recommendations for improvements that will benefit both musicians and consumers alike.

It's painfully obvious that the industry bigwigs will have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st Century.
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1.6 Tb online, 500 Gb on optical. of what? i'll let you guess. possession is not illegal, distribution is. oh, and last year i spent around 2 grand on store bought stuff that i was exposed to from 'illegal' mp3.

those that have the money will spend it, those that don't. can't. seems simple concept the riaa and the software piracy folks just dont get.
namaste, motherfucker.

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Did you see where the 12 year old girl just settled her suit for $2000?

I've never gotten into the music-swapping because I was concerned to begin with. Went to Kazaa's website once, read through the stuff, and decided I didn't want to get involved... Can't say I'm totally innocent though - I've made copies of a couple of CD's before, which is basically the same thing - copyright infringement. (Should I be saying that on a public forum???) I'll probably buy mp3's though - I've just started looking into that - sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

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I have been a bit more conservative with DL'ing music since all this started up. Probably keep on doing it though. I have nowhere near the ~1000 files they speak of, so I guess I've got some time....

What I find comical is that now the music industries are being ripped off and they are bitching and complaining about it. They have been ripping off consumers with overpriced CD's for years and now the shoe is on the other foot. Only difference is those big companies have the ability to do something about it.

I can see 2 outcomes of all this. As was said before, people will hide their identity and continue to DL music or the lawsuits will continue and people will sign up on these file sharing sites for a fee. You know, pay an amount every month and get unlimited DL's. Either way CD sales will continue to drop and eventually go the way of the 8 track tape.

What does everyone else think? I've been thinking about this situation since I retured to school .

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Again, there should be an option for never downloaded. My opinion is that downloading is simply stealing, regardless of the excuses used to justify the practice.

- Record company execs are greedy and screwing artists.
- If it's on the internet it must be ok.
- the artists / record companys have lots of money.
- etc.

Since the material that we're discussing is copyrighted, downloading without monetary reimbursement is stealing someone else's intellectual property. (No one forced any artist to sign a contract with a greedy record company, so the contract was mutually agreeable to both parties at some time).

Any Artist that thinks that downloading is o.k. should donate his/her material for that purpose.

I'm tired of people trying to justify their moral shortcomings. Stealing is stealing.
. . . now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb - Dark Helmet

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