
New Non-English Forums

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Heya all,

I'm happy to announce 3 new non-English forums on Dropzone.com. I hope this will enable an even larger group of people across the globe to get together, talk about skydiving and make some new friends.

With the new forums comes additional moderators as well. Here they are:

* German - grosfion
* Spanish - LouDiamond
* French - Remster (will open this soon - sorry skreamer!)

Enjoy! :)
PS - Any english posts to these forums (unless relevant to the language group only) will be moved back to the appropriate English forum or deleted.
Safe swoops

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hmm maybe they'll go there and talk nasty about us in another language;):P

Squeak! Sie sind ein schlechter kleiner Junge gewesen. Es ist Zeit für Ihr Schlagen. :P

I've no idea what that says, but I'll lay money that it aint good;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Squeak! Sie sind ein schlechter kleiner Junge gewesen. Es ist Zeit für Ihr Schlagen. :P

Pass auf! Es gibt hier Leute die konnen auch deutsche lesen!

und schreiben auch...

Fumer tue, péter pue
ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579

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hmm maybe they'll go there and talk nasty about us in another language;):P

Squeak! Sie sind ein schlechter kleiner Junge gewesen. Es ist Zeit für Ihr Schlagen. :P

I've no idea what that says, but I'll lay money that it aint good;)

Squeak, hast du ein Kätzchen? Ich töte gern Kätzchen. Ich töte Kätzchen oft. :)

Ok so my German is elementary school level, but hey. It works!

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I didn't realize how desperate HH was for help. He is really scraping the bottom of the barrel here. ;)

Are the old-skool greenies going to have twisted initiation rites on the newbie greenies? :o

Then again, what is twisted to "J'aime mes orignaux!" Remster? See, French isn't so hard. :P

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He is really scraping the bottom of the barrel here
You have no idea how far down the barrel he had to go

Il a dû érafler le fond du baril en vue de vous ayant votre tour dans le baril. :o

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