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Il a dû érafler le fond du baril en vue de vous ayant votre tour dans le baril

And Justin, just to be clear, we wont accept your poor excuses at babelfish translations in the forum either....:P

But if you want to make real attempts at it, then fine!:)

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And Justin, just to be clear, we wont accept your poor excuses at babelfish translations in the forum either....

Don't worry. I'll leave you alone in your little kingdom. :P


But if you want to make real attempts at it, then fine!

Why bother? Any language that is so uptight that they need to specify an officially-sanctioned non-anglicized term for "e-mail" is way too uptight anyway. B|

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Speaking of Babelfish translations, here's the introductory "blurb" for the German forum...

"In Springer and interested with English the little on war foot stands. In addition, want for those itself gladly over the German parachute scene maintained. Thus everyone is to be taken part cordially invited here."

Das ist ehrfürchtig! :D

"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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Are the old-skool greenies going to have twisted initiation rites on the newbie greenies?

But of course! It's the only way we get to have any fun! >:(

Heeere, Remi, Remi, Remi.....come see what I have behind my back....;)

edited because Remi's panties got all in a knot. :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Just a thought, could we have links that do the translate thing in each of the languages?
I know they are out there, but we would need to find the ones that give the best "real" translation. I mean what is the word for flailing German?

Edited to say: Cuz I wanna play too.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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misschien dat een eigen forum voor Hollands/Afrikaans sprekenden minder nodig is omdat het engels meestal een tweede taal is?

Or: I think we don't really need a dutch/belgium/south-african forum because english is usually a second language for this group (unlike frech/german I assume?)

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Its painfully obvious that its a machine translation...

yeah.. what the Texan said... Its a usefull tool for reading things and geting most of the info from a text in a foreign language. But please dont post using those translation...

I persoannly would rather a very basic personal attempt using whatever skill you have in a language rather then a machine translation.... And its easy to tell the difference...:)

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yeah.. what the Texan said... Its a usefull tool for reading things and geting most of the info from a text in a foreign language. But please dont post using those translation...

Computer translations are pretty obvious, but they can be useful for researching... or taunting people in a language in which you have zero knowledge.

Hypothetically, of course.


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Miskien moet ons dink daaraan om 'n petisie op te stel. HH kan self Afrikaans verstaan (en dus ook Hollands en Vlaams ).

Ik neem aan dat HH dit leest, dus hij weet al dat er heel vele belangstelling is voor een Nederlands/Afrikaans forum. Ik denk dat inderdaad het probleem is dat de meeste mensen die Nederlands/Vlaams/Afrikaans spreken ook min of meer vloeiend zijn in Engels.

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