
My 1st Otter, Sky Van, King Air

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yes, i was stoked about jumping out of an otter, being bitch pitched out of a sky van, and falling out of a king air for the first time. also, it was my first boogie: COUCH FREAKS!!!!!B|B|
yes, i do realize i owe some serious beer. ugh, i need to buy at least 3 kegs for the amount of 1st times that i have racked up over the last couple of months.
do any of you remember how excited you were "back in the day" when you had all these firsts?
all good things are wild and free - Henry David Thoreau

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Dang, Congratulations on all your experiences. I have no sense of time, seriously. I had no idea CF's was done already.

I almost missed my Mothers birthday.
Then Flea was in the hospital ... 3 days
and what holiday was it? I guess I missed that one.

Anyway, here here to the beer!

Some time ago


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That was the 6th year and a row I have gone to CFreaks. I think I am still just as excited to go back every year. It has become somewhat of a neccessary yearly sacrament for Nebraska jumpers to go back. You just haven't lived until you've seen the Chicken Pooper, Skin to Win contests, and a nice SkydiveAZ flyby at sunset...

xxx, Hixxx
death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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If you are talking about the girl who won the um "OutofCostume" contest, I have some good video of her landing on her tandem. And Yes, she was well out of costume for that too, nothin' but lacey undies lookin' more scrumptious than Saturday night's Pork Chops...

xxx, Hixxx
death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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Hixxx & All -
Good to hear that everyone was enjoying the boogie and all the sights. This year was my 4th CF and it is my favorite time of the year without a doubt! :)
The flybys have been great, but i recommend to everyone to get up on the CRW loads and watch the flyby from a formation. Sunday's night 4-way flyby looked awesome from the bottom of the 7-way kite that was circling above head at 6000'...You can see everyones' camera flashes go off right as the planes buzz past the bleachers and main landing area:)
As for the girl in the red dress, that is actually the girlfriend of "the chicken man". They are both a riot and she seemed to be feeling a bit more liberated a than usual at the boogie.:$

I do like the SDAZ King Air, but I'm a bigger fan of the seating arrangment with the straddle bench, or straddle seating on the floor of the plane.

Way to go Ashley on your firsts, be sure to pass some of those free beers my way!!:ph34r:


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Congrats! Technically if ya really think about it, every jump is your 1st!!!!!!!!!!!:P

My 1st #100 jump, my 1st #101 jump, my 1st # 102 jump, my 1st # 104 jump, etc!
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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Congrats on all the first. Sorry we didn't meet up, you could have bought me a beer. And I mean beer, not that watered down stuff that was in the milk truck:S
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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