
Raise your hand if you are currently grounded.

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You are right Wendy, motivation is a good thing.

You know Katiebear is over from Kuwait for a few and going to get to jump this weekend. I may even head up and watch with Raefordite since she is grounded with the broken foot.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Grounded at Rantoul on my first jump day with a pinched nerve. I thought I just had a sore knee, but on the third jump right leg went numb. Stood up the landing, but couldn't walk off the landing area.

Had the MRI yesterday and waiting on results. This really sucks...TSR is this weekend in Dallas, Balloonar the following weekend and AOT right after.

Still no feeling below right knee to ankle.

Lisa, that's why I wasn't around after dropping by the tent the first Sunday. Couldn't even get to the dz until Thursday and once Anomaly sat me in the golf cart, I was there for the day!!!

Good seeing Lisa, Chris, Rob and Renee and a few others I've forgotten.

Don't know what was more painful, the injury, watching everyone jump for 4 more days, or selling all my jump tickets back to manifest on the last Sunday! :(:(:(

Blue skies,


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Your right, I'm also grounded with ear/sinus problems!!!:(:(

I have 3 more days before I am no longer current!!
What to do, what to do???

Last week before hearing about your ears being torn, i would have just gone to keep current!!! (no, not proficient) Now i won't jump to possibly save my ears!!!
I have a doctors appt in one hour, we shall see!!!

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I dont know if you consider suspension from CSPA the same as "grounded", but Ive been suspended for 34 years. I doesnt mean I cant jump, and Ive been invited to jump at CSPA dropzones and non cspa, so maybe suspension isnt the same as "grounded". Bill Cole D-41

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I dont know if you consider suspension from CSPA the same as "grounded", but Ive been suspended for 34 years. I doesnt mean I cant jump, and Ive been invited to jump at CSPA dropzones and non cspa, so maybe suspension isnt the same as "grounded". Bill Cole D-41

how would one go about getting suspended from CSPA for 34 years?

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Well, good news today was the MRI was negative for a back injury. Now they want to do something called an EMG? Anybody know what this is? They are thinking I may have stretched the femoral nerve with a hard opening.

Also many thanks to Steve Boyd who called today and offered me the co-pilot seat and a room in Dallas for the TSR even if I don't jump.

Blue skies,


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I'm grounded after breaking my arm, jumping after the cast was cut down and biffing in the golf cart parking lot at Rantoul. If your going to be stupid you've got to be tough. I'm tired of being tough.
Life doesn't have to be perfect in order to be beautiful!

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"A soul in tension that's learning to fly
Condition grounded but determined to try
Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I"

- Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly.

nah, I'm not grounded.. but [[[VIBES]]] to those who are. ;)

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One suspension for life was because of doing a jump without a chute on Aug 20th 1969. I was then reinstated, after doing the 2nd chuteless jump July 20th 1972. I set the Canadian High Altitude record, and CSPA submitted the documentation to the FAI, and registered the jump as a record. I showed a portion of the chuteless jump #2 on TV and had a 15 minute show for which I was paid $1500.00. They asked if it would be possible to jump from the wallk of the Grand Canyon, and I said it would ( although I had no plans to do it ). This really upset some CSPA types, and the 2nd life suspension was in effect immediately.
CSPA sent me my HALO recoird certificate, and then proceeded to make up a set of "CSPA" records. I was a member in good standing when I made the record jump (36,916ft) and was picked up upon landing by the CSPA Executive Director, but I wasnt included in their "CSPA" records. They dont want to respect anything with my name on it, even if they know it to be true. Still suspended, and their vendetta attacks aren't finished.

No one has had more fun jumping than me

See the website of Rob Price...its all spelled out there. Click on "Bill Cole Skydiver" and folloiw the trail. of blood

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I believe that "grounded" is just a bit derogotory. I feel like a more Politically correct version must be created. something like. Voluntary slot bypasser or handi-capable load filler. ya know like that... but yes

Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Looks like I will be grounded for as much as 4-6 weeks. Some jerk decided to almost hit me while i was pulling into a parking lot....i hit the sterring wheel and because of that i have very bruised ribs...one of which is fractured....[:/]


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